When you feel like you are being watched (¨FeatheredFriends¨)

in Feathered Friends5 months ago
Que alegría tengo al estar en esta maravillosa ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ :  y poder compartir con todos fotografías de aves, a su vez acompañar a mi amiga @nelinoeva en su genial ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨:  una consigna que te permite poder dar a conocer las diferentes especies que hay en la ciudad donde vives

Source: Family Álbum

How happy I am to be in this wonderful ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ :  and to be able to share photographs of birds with everyone, at the same time accompany my friend @nelinoeva in her great ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨:  a slogan that allows you to publicize the different species that exist in the city where you live

Estaba seguro que si visitaba el predio no encontraría un ave para cumplir con el desafío semanal, a no ser que encuentre un ave posada en un cable en el trayecto que va de mi casa hasta llegar al predio, y eso fue lo que me convenció caminar hasta allí, además, por indicación médica, si o si tengo que caminar una vez al día, y que mejor oportunidad que esta para cumplir dicha indicación

Source: Family Álbum

I was sure that if I visited the property I would not find a bird to complete the weekly challenge, unless I found a bird perched on a wire on the way from my house to the property, and that was what convinced me to walk there, furthermore, due to medical indication, yes or if I have to walk once a day, and what better opportunity than this to fulfill said indication

Ha sido muy frustrante hacer todo este trayecto ida y vuelta hasta la reserva, y no ver a un solo ave posada en un cable, y para que la caminata no sea en vano, hice algunas tomas a esta hermosa planta de ¨Hibiscus¨ : . Esto es lo que me gusta de la reserva, siempre hay algo bonito de ver y fotografiar, además de haber cumplido con el requerimiento medico

Source: Family Álbum

It has been very frustrating to make this whole trip back and forth to the reserve, and not see a single bird perched on a cable, and so that the walk is not in vain, I took some shots to this beautiful ¨hibiscus¨ :  plant. This is what I like about the reserve, there is always something nice to see and photograph, in addition to having complied with the medical requirement

Con estas tomas coloridas y floridas regresamos a casa, un poco frustrado por no haber visto aves que cumplieran el requerimiento, pero tenía todas las esperanzas de encontrar un ave en el fondo de casa, sobre el tendido del alambre donde tendemos las ropas recién lavadas para que se escurran; en eso estaba cuando me sentía observado, y aunque veía en todas las direcciones no podía ver de qué se trataba, hasta que divise a una paloma posada sobre el poste de la iluminación

Source: Family Álbum

With these colorful and flowery shots we returned home, a little frustrated for not having seen birds that met the requirement, but I had every hope of finding a bird at the back of the house, on the laying the wire where we hang the freshly washed clothes so that they drain; That's when I felt I was being watched, and although I looked in all directions I couldn't see what it was, until I saw a dove perched on the lighting pole

Cuando tome nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ para fotografiarlas y tratar de enfocar levanto vuelo, pero eso no me desanimo, ya que pude ver algunos ¨gorriones¨ :  volando y seguro que no muy lejos de allí tendría que bajar, por suerte lo hicieron frente a mi casa, y gracias a eso obtuve lo que necesitaba para cumplir con el desafío. Un rato más tarde seguía sintiendo esa sensación de ser observado, fue cuando pude ver a esta hermosa hembra de gorrión observado desde el interior del poste lumínico, y para mi suerte posaba sobre un cable de iluminación

Source: Family Álbum

When I took our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ camera to photograph them and try to focus, I took flight, but that did not discourage me, since I could see some ¨gorriones¨ :  flying and surely not far from there I would have to come down, luckily they did it in front of my house, and thanks to that I got what I needed to meet the challenge. A while later I was still feeling that feeling of being watched, that was when I was able to see this beautiful female sparrow observed from inside the lighting pole, and luckily for me she was posing on a lighting cable


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

I thought it's a rat.🤣 Luckily, I read well, and it's a sparrow. ☺️

It's true, it's confusing, but it's a beautiful bird.

Yeah. I agree.☺️

Lovely photos for Neli's challenge!

If the shot of the bird that participates in the contest is great, thank you very much for appreciating it, you are very kind
have a great day

What a fun afternoon we spent looking for the birds, I love the photography of the grandpa contest

I loved seeing that bird inside the lighting pole, it's incredible how curious they are, plus we had a great time

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Thank you very much dear friends for appreciating and supporting my post.
I wish you all a great day

Excelentes capturas de estas aves y la última imagen es super genial. Toda la composición esta espectacular. Gracias @jlufer 😃

Que tengas una hermosa tarde!

si, esa toma tambien me encanta, hicimos varias tomas del ave dentro del caño, segumanete mas adelante las voy a compartir
Muchas gracias por el gran apoyo que me brindas, es una enorme motivacion
Que pases una preciosa tarde

Me encantará verlas! Por aquí pasando cada día!😉

Excellent photos.


Thank you very much dear friend for appreciating my photographs.
have a wonderful weekend

Hey @jlufer, here is a little bit of BEER from @edgerik for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Another set of amazing shot.s @jlufer Keep them coming, my friend. Have a nice day to you!

How are you dear friend @bloghound good afternoon
They have been beautiful shots
Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs.
have a lovely afternoon

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Thank you dear friends

The entry photo is so unique qnd original. Absolutely stunning to see and make a photo of the birdie there.🙂

Yes, dear friend @nelinoeva, it has been great to be able to see the bird inside the pipe
Thank you very much for your kind words
have a beautiful day