That's what I want from you, world:
The wind as clothing, the sunlight as shelter, the foliage as a companion...
One year dies today and another, new and hopeful, is reborn.
But, in our souls, the yearnings for a perpetual day of light, peace and brotherhood, grow as if they were flowers sprouting from the earth.
We are not here today to complain, we are here to dream of the kind, right, friendly and humane tomorrow.
We are ready to know the strength of living together on the planet, with mutual help.
To be grass, mud, spring that gushes from shining rivers of good wishes.
The birds sense it.
Today culminates a year, and a new one, when the sun wakes up, rises.
And among all of us, plants, men, birds and animals
we will recreate a peaceful planet in balance
Today the old year dies; the new one rises, as the birds rise in flight:
Happy and full of hope.
I invite @oneray, @lecumberre and @cetb2008.
And many thanks to @katleya for the invitation. Blessings.