Keeping their memory alive

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago


In the late 1950s, my mother got a cutting from my Dad's sister's rosebush, she took it home and stuck it in the ground where the washing machine water flowed out onto the ground, it was one of those washers that stood on 4 legs and had the rollers that would smash your fingers if they got caught in it. In the 1960s I can remember people commenting on how many roses it had and she would say she thought it was because the washing machine water came out there. It grew to the top of the house.

In the 1980's when she moved to the next town and bought her place she got another cutting from my aunt. When my mother passed away in 2021, I took a cutting from her rosebush. This is the only rosebush I have seen that has roses throughout the year, here in Florida roses do not bloom in the summer, many do not survive our summers but this one does.

My Amaryllis came from Aunt Mae. She was no kin to me but looked at my Mom as her daughter, she never had children of her own.

She was everyone's Aunt Mae and loved by all, here she is with Uncle Richard, she is taking a bite from a piece of swamp cabbage, in restaurants it is called Heart of Palm.

Here is my ground orchid, I got it from my Mom's best friend.

Miss Lilly was my Mom's friend for 50 years, Mom told me that in the 50 years, they had never had a cross word between them. When Miss Lilly passed away it hurt my Mom so much and there was nothing I could do to ease her pain. Now they are together again.

Here I have Granny Smiths Firecracker plant. She was another one who was no kin but everyone called her Granny Smith, she passed when I was very young and I do not remember her but she is a big part of my town's history.

Granny Smith planted the firecracker plant by the fish house garage when her husband Archie opened the fish house back in 1932. We fished for them until the double hurricanes in 2004 took the dock and fish house out, and with no insurance, they were forced to close.

My four O'clocks came from Archie Smiths fish house, too. They were planted by Archies daughter, Miss Viola, she ran the fish house after her parents passed.

Miss Viola married Coolidge Judah who owned Judah's fish house, we fished for them until another hurricane damaged the fish house beyond repair and they had to close.

My husband's best friend planted this desert rose from seed and gave it to me, He passed away 12 years ago.

When I take care of these plants it brings a sense of love to me and brings their memories alive in my heart.


As you often do, you've written a post from your heart, right to mine. How lovely that you have these plants to reconnect with your loved ones through. I'm going to have to start giving away plants so people will keep me alive on this earth.


Thank you @owasco, Plants help me with the pain of losing people I care for. Sometimes I think I can feel their love coming from the plant, I smell the roses and swear I can smell my mother's scent.

Smells do that to me. I love getting whiffs of someone I lost.

It warms the heart.


Thank you @hive-106316

Thank you for the inspiration. This is a good way to remember our dearly departed family and loved ones. I'm trying to grow more yellow flowers in my mini garden too 'coz Mom loved yellow. I will definitely keep plants growing. Happy weekend to you!

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Thank you @tengolotodo

It really is a shame the damage the hurricanes have done in Florida. We have a house up in Ocala in central Florida and touch wood never get any damage just heavy rains etc.

Plants are a touching way to remember people and that was something my grandmother used to do.

The hurricanes that took the fish houses also took some of the roof from our house, with us in it.

Plants from others have always been special to me and your grandmother knew the secret, God Bless her.

Every time you see those flowers, it would remind you of them. They would always live in your heart.

Yes, they do. especially the rose bush my sister moved into mom's house after she passed and trimmed mom's rose to the ground, killing it. I am so happy that I took cutting before she did that.