getting ready for trout season

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago


My husband thinks I am crazy for getting my boat ready to fish, trout season opens May 1st. He thinks I will not be able to fish with the way my hand hurts but I told him I will not know if I can do it if I do not try.

pigfish traps
The problem is, I can not just jump in the boat and go fishing, I first have to catch bait to put in the crab traps, once I catch the crabs, I will use them to put in the pig fish traps, and I will use the pigfish to catch trout.

Today I went out to my boat to clean out all of the pine needles that had fallen in it over the last several months of not going fishing, it should have been a 30-minute job but turned into a 4-hour job. It is not a good thing to let things sit because creatures will move in. I opened the bow cap and saw a couple of bull ants run off, I lifted my life jacket out and under it, hundreds of them ran off. I started pulling everything out and found thousands of them in it. I am not kidding about it being thousands. The picture is of some of their eggs, there were plenty more but I did not have time to take pictures, I ran to get the shop vac and started sucking them up. I could see they were grabbing their eggs and taking them into the drain holes that go under the floorboard. After I got what I could suck up, I sprayed malathion in the drain holes and any other crack that I saw. They started coming out of the drains and cracks and I sucked more up. I know I did not get them all but I put a dent in them.

A few days ago I cleaned my truck out because rats made two nests in it, one in the glovebox and the other one under the back seat. They did this because I have not been using it, either.
photos are mine

