Do you believe in miracles?

in Silver Bloggers4 months ago


This is my post for #memoirmonday week15 Do you believe in miracles? hosted by @ericvancewalton

I think that it is a miracle that I am here, being born in 1956. My mother told me that she had a bad sunburn that made her go into labor early, she said that I was so small that they had to hold me on a pillow. She also said Dad had bought a new pair of shoes and I fit in the shoebox. I do not think many babies this small made it back then.

Growing up on an inlet, it is a miracle that any of us survived, we all fell off of the dock before we could swim, but by some miracle, there was always someone there to fish us out of the water. I remember when my youngest sister fell in. She stepped off of the corner with the tide ebbing, when she came out the other side I remember her eyes being as big as saucers. A man who was fishing reached down and grabbed her.


Many things I did as a kid makes me think it is a miracle that I am still here, like jumping off a bridge into the inlet, this photo was taken from the bridge.
This was the bridge while it was being built, when they had the two sides connected but not finished, they had boards lying across the open spots my brother and I rode our bikes across it with boards falling in behind us.
Or diving from the fish cleaning table into the shallowest water I could dive in, it was a game we played, who could dive in the shallowest water. Later in my life, I met two people who were paralyzed from diving into shallow water.

Swimming in the ocean and being caught in undertows, I can not count the number of times that I was rolled on the bottom thinking I was going to run out of air and finally getting out of it with every part of my body filled with sand from being rolled.

I was in a car wreck and they had to use the jaw of life to get me out. These were some of my miracles.

My youngest sister was on crack cocaine for 15 years, I thought the only way she would get off it would be a miracle, a miracle happened, she has been clean for going on 17 years now.

But I prayed and prayed for a miracle for my mother when she had her stroke but it never came. Yet I have to still believe in them because I have two children who are on drugs and I know it will take a miracle for them to wake up and see their friends who have died could one day be them. They lost two this month, I believe a miracle will happen for them because I will not even think of one not happening, I can't not believe.


Gosh, you've had guardian angels watching over you from the time you came into the world! Yes I do believe in miracles, and hope that it happens to your children soon!

Thank you, I know in my heart that one day they will realize they do not want to live like that.

Hello @myjob

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Your life is indeed a miracle.

Every life is a miracle, but thank you.

Hi buddy, my crappy maths put you at 68, if I am blogging on hive at your age it will be a miracle. Great post though, specially the pics.

You are good at math I will be 68 this August. I believe you will be blogging even past 68. Thank you for liking my pics.

I believe Miracles happen everyday. Sometimes we just failed to see.

So true, I believe this too. I often wonder when I am leaving the house and I forget something and have to go back inside, did those couple of minutes change me getting into an accident? Or something like that.

Walking miracles through doing crazy when young, then watching your two children now negotiating with them to see the path they have taken.

I hope last miracle happens soon, drugs being fed today really are tainted by greedy people stealing their lives right under your nose.


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I know one of my son's friends who passed a few months ago, he took something that had elephant tranquilizers in it, he recently lost a friend to suicide and another one to an overdose, it scares the hell out of me.

If your sister is close perhaps she would be able to talk to them having walked the path previously. This would scare the hell out of me as well, here we have too many youth turning to drugs, not having an opportunity toward formal employment, this leads to thieving, gangs, lives of deceit.

My sister is close with both of them, she has tried but she understands the control it has on them and knows it has to be their choice to quit. Thank God neither are thieves or in a gang.

Only the individual can make choice to seek help, whether its drug addiction or dementia.

Yes, I know this all too well, all I can do is pray.