Seeing My Family, Gladdens My Heart. #memoirmonday

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago

A few days ago, I shared my feelings about my faith. I clearly stated that I am proud of my faith. There is no controversy about that: I am proud of my faith.

I cherish my knowledge of God and His towards all mankind. I am proud of being a believer in Jesus Christ. I am glad that I am saved. I cherish my salvation and believe in the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I would not just live here on this earth and ignore the sweet moments and friendship I have shared. Such would not be a good posture.

I have enjoyed and I'm still enjoying the blessedness of life here on earth. I cherish with great esteem my family and friends. It is one of the things that makes me feel loved and belonging. Family bonds and true friendship make me proud.

This post is in response of the #memoirmonday prompt by @ericvancewalton. The link to the current prompt is here
If you haven't entered the #memoirmonday before, get to know about the initiative [here](

There is nothing that makes one happy more than knowing that you have a home that cares and loves you. That you also love. My family loves me and I love them.

I feel fulfilled as a man to have a wife and children. What would have been the essence of living if I were to be a lone ranger? How would I have enjoyed my life without my children? I treasure my family.

We share precious time together. I love and admire seeing my children play around the house. In fact, even the irrational crying of the baby sister is fun to me. My children love seeing me and I love seeing them.

Aside from my immediate nuclear family, I love and cherish my siblings. We have always been together. We grew up together so I am proud of them. We have struggled along life together, trying to find our way through the journey of life. I am glad that God has helped us.

We have lost one of my brothers, but I am happy that God is upholding those who are remaining. I feel happy as I see their progress through life. My family makes me proud.

In this world, there are those things that make a man happy. There are those things that give a man happiness. My families (both the nuclear and the extended) makes me happy.


What a happy and lovely family 🥰

You have a beautiful family! Life is infinitely better when we have people we love to share it with. Thanks for joining Memoir Monday this week!