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RE: Time to chill out for a few days

in Silver Bloggers8 months ago

It's good to chill out and not have any worries. Hope you get your passport back soon and your renewal of your visa comes quickly. 15,000 steps round trip is quite the journey, how far of a distance is that? I envy the weather your in right now, I'm inside and still haven't taken off my jacket since I was last outside, hehe. Take care and enjoy yourself at your own pace 😊


The walk was about 11 kilometers.
Hopefully, the weather over there will improve soon, they have had a rough few days of cold, right? My son who is in Chicago told me he is desperate to get out of the cold hehe.
Thank you and have a good week 😄

Oh that's some good stepping..

It's suppose to be just above freezing most of this week which is a relief and feels warm to what we have had.

Have a great week ahead as well 😁