Oh Crap Say it isn't so!!

in Silver Bloggers5 months ago

Hello friends and Hivers. I hope all is well with everyone today. Today I write about a procedure I have scheduled for this upcoming Monday. It really is something I have dreaded to get done. I have already cancelled getting it done once before but it's something that has to get done. Well what procedure is it you may ask?

It's a colonoscopy and it's common for us middle aged individuals to get scheduled for them. When you reach a certain age check ups and procedures happen more often. The thought of what is actually done during this procedure alarms me a little. A long flexible tube (colonoscope) is used and inserted into rectum. This allows the doctor to view the entire area of the colon since it has a tiny video camera at the tip. A necessary procedure to look for changes in tissue, abnormal things and possibly detect early forms of cancer. Thank goodness I will be knocked out and won't have memories of being violated .

Some of the preparation things that are required of me I'm simply not looking forward to. I'll tell you in a bit what they are. If you haven't figured it out yet this is my first time getting this procedure done. I'm just feeling a little over the edge about the whole thing. Is it Tuesday already, haha?

Now I made this appointment sometime in February I think. I got something in the mail from the clinic a few days later and I didn't open it up until this Monday. I was initially told to review instructions a week out when I made the appointment. The thought of everything in my mind didn't make me all that curious to look at it two months beforehand.

I received a call yesterday from the hospital. They just wanted to know if I got instructions and had some pre-procedural questions for me. I provided them with the information they needed and they also asked if I had any questions. I really didn't have any as they outlined pretty well on what to expect. Today I got a call from the office that the doctor works for. I missed the call but rest assured I will call them back later today.

Alright let me tell you about my preparation requirements. Five days out (starts tomorrow) I can not have any nuts, popcorn, seeds or any products containing granola. I will miss almonds which I have for snacks often. The day before (Sunday) the procedure I have to be on a clear liquid diet. I can't consume liquids that are red, purple or blue. I have to drink liquids every hour throughout the day. No solid food, no alcohol and no recreational drug use. The last two no problem I don't drink and do not undertake in drugs.

Starting at 5:00 p.m. also on the day before the procedure is when I get to start drinking some Nulytely (prep). This liquid aids with the bowel preparation (cleansing) so an effective colonoscopy can be done. I have to drink an 8 ounce glass every 10 minutes until 1/2 of the prep is gone. From what I'm told an increase in bowel movements happens fairly quickly once the drinking starts. At 8:00 p.m. I have to take two Gas-X tablets. An hour later I need to take two more.

Now the day of the procedure I have to drink some more of the prep starting within 6 hours of my arrival time at the hospital. I'm suppose to have this all down within 2 hours. My arrival time is 8:00 a.m. so I'm not expecting much sleep and I'm sure more time will be spent in the bathroom versus the bedroom. All during this time I have to monitor my stools, it's suppose to end up looking like lemonade. Sorry hope I didn't ruin anybody's thinking of drinking the real thing, haha.

Now the actual procedure is a quick one. Even though I have to be there at 8:00 a.m. the procedure isn't scheduled until 9:30 a.m. Once started I have been told it only takes about 15 minutes. I will go to a recovery room afterwards. I'm expected to be there for about 60-90 minutes until the anesthesia wears off.

Well I'm not stoked at all to get this done. I do however realize it's something that needs to be done. I hope not to have any horror stories to tell you. Actually it will best to not mention any more about it, haha.

That's all I got for you this time. Take care, stay safe and enjoy the rest of your week. Until next time!


I'm surprised you putting you under, here you get a mild sedative to relax you, and you can watch....

Oh 'poopieville' visits prior, not pleasant but something for some reason I have had twice in my forties, no more, not again.

Hope it's an all clear at the end!

You have the choice to going under or not but if you don't request you will go under. Put me under I don't want know when and how it goes in, haha. Actually it can't be worse than my last eye surgery I had done. That was a nightmare.

Well it will be clear soon enough !LOLZ Actually going to have my last good meal today. I could have more but Im thinking to lesson some exits 😂 Thanks for dropping by, greetings 😊

Cannot be worse that the eye op, plan the meal you will most enjoy when you get home!

How does a tiger find his favorite song on Apple Music?
He uses their algrrrythm

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Well, everything is going to be fine. Think positively and don't see it as a violation (it's consensual, in any case). Sorry, it's just a little joke to make you smile.

Hugs, Amigo.

Thanks Amiga. The prep is worse than the procedure, Sunday into Monday will not be much fun. Haha consensual with a signature to treat...

Ufff it sounds really difficult, taking care of what you eat etc. Hope it will be fast and all will be ok, try to be calm as much as you can, good luck amigo!

Thanks Amiga. Not looking forward to the diet and the extra bowels. Hopefully I won't have to talk about it again and everything turns out ok 😊


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That is quite some countdown, do this don't do that. I am sure it will all go smoothly!

A little of going through the ringer with the prep work. I'm sure Monday will be much sleep afterwards. Never celebrated a Tuesday before, hehe

It's a colonoscopy and it's common for us middle aged individuals to get scheduled for them.

I will do more research on colonoscopy thanks for the information.

The recommended age to get one done is 45 y/o it use to be 50.

I google searched this therapy and it says it checks your instestine using a tube camera but I dont know whether this in relation to the digestive system or not please can you guide me on this if yes it is regarding improving health of over all digestive system then I think I am eligible cause I am going to be 40 years of age in 4 months time please guide me on this, help!

Yes it's a tube with a camera like I mentioned that looks at your large intestine but it's not a procedure to improve your health, it's more of a preventive procedure to ensure all is good in your colon/large intestine. Best to consult a doctor not me, haha

Best to consult a doctor not me, haha

Well I cannot afford a doctor right now so I am all ears my friend thanks for the guidance.

My advice is cheap and it may lead you to spending more money. It's just not my expertise 😕

A lot of preparations for this procedure🥵. I hope everything would be okay and you have nothing to worry about🙏.

Yup the prep work no fun but hey the pipes need cleaned, hehe. Thank you I'm hoping for a clean bill of health as well.

I pray and hope that everything will be fine during the procedure and recovery.

Thank you, I hope so too. Wishing I could jump to Tuesday though, haha

I've heard people say it's not a nice procedure even though they knock you out, guess it's the thought of the 'violation' 😵‍💫

You'll be fine, it'll be over before you know it!!

A lot of thought but what do you do? I just got to see it as a positive that will give a piece of mind that nothing abnormal is going on hopefully. Oh the prep, all this exit activity for a few minutes of entry, haha.

I see that you are calm, and you know that it is necessary to have the study done and then proceed. Recover afterwards and follow the doctor's instructions. Positive mind everything will be fine my best wish.Take good care of yourself. Best regards.🥰

Thank you for the wishes and advice. Have a splendid day!

Is everything okay there? I hope things will get better for you.. you need more rest afterward..

I'm doing alright, I haven't been over working. Everything should be ok for me, I'll be happier when Tuesday rolls around, hehe. This is a type of procedure for preventative reasons or one that most get done turning 45 y/o in my case I'm a few years past due. Oh I will surely be resting up afterwards.

Oh my gosh, I didn't know there was so much prep involved beforehand, 😳. But when you think about it, clearing everything out really well makes the most sense. 😭 One more thing to look forward to about aging.

I hope everything goes well for you and no unexpected results! 😊

Thank you, yes a bit of prep work involved. There's more to aging than wisdom and retirement 😂

Haha! ...Nooo 🙈

I like how you divert the readers from the procedure and the wonderful pictures you show. @coolmidwestguy

Thank you I thought it was a must as I'm sure no one wants to visualize the particulars. I opted to not even show the medications. Also nice to get rid of some photos in the gallery. Plus I wanted to show my enormous Lilac bush which both pictures were just taken about a week apart. Spring blooming happening 😁

Yeah, it's a great choice by the way. 😁 @coolmidwestguy

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