#TooFuckeh Game Changer Time

in Project ePay Traffic6 months ago


In 2016 I witnessed a major error in a system. System come in many size and the largest systems are made up of many large systems. Decline in democratic values in USA was a huge concern to me in 2016 because a well known liar, cheat, crook, rapist, and I could go on with the labels but the point is, Trump should not have and and should never be a President of any country. But yet, it happened. It happened because cheating in a game became more important that the game itself.

Now in 2024, the error in the system is of more concern because the playing surface is the entire glove. So the lying, cheating and hatred is in full production and centered in the Middle East. Today we are much closer to WW3 and who would have thought that a WEB3 product, Bitcoin ETF would play a part of the unbelievable. The risk of collapse of many economic systems, runaway inflation and unstoppable waste of resources, uncontrolled spending, predatory propaganda and an overwhelming desire for revenge means we must take corrective action where possible and become more proactive in caring for the future of humanity.

I have blogged about world issues and presented some #TooFuckeh awards and given away many @toofuckeh tokens to bring attention to what is most important from my perspective. Before I join Hive I was a regular on Facebook and as I learned more about that platform and ecosystem I was compelled to leave and not support a system that profited from an unbelievable amount of negative energy. Now that I have learned more about Hive systems I have some disappointment by the present of a lot of negative energy. In fact, I was asked not to comment on a blog or expect a down vote and I was sent to a code of conduct being formalized for Hive. What a crock of shit. However, I will pull back cause someone that has more money than me can easily destroy whatever intertest I may have on Hive. It doesn't matter that my intentions are good. What matters is a system allows for powerful influencers to interfere with a more natural and equitable ecosystem. So time for some risk management behaviours.

I will no longer create a TooFuckeh award and the focus going forward for distributing our problem solving token will be linked to process improvement initiatives relating to the operation of Project ePayTraffic as well as related sites and programs manged by FJ World Inc organization, including our evolving Income Professional Club. https://incomeproclub.com

I don't know about you but I have a lot on my mind. The way I managed is to chunk things into managed chunks. So today, I am sharing two large chunks of concern. Chunk #1, the bigger chunk is being informed about what is really going on in the world and the impact of events outside of my control. For example, what can I do to prepare for the possibility of WW3. Now it doesn't have to be the worse to be bad. Ask yourself, what would be the impact locally if 20% of world oil supply was disrupted? Food is already overpriced here and I am convinced that it is over priced not just because of cost of operation but greed. Yes greed. Some players will bleed a system because of fear, hatred and revenge.

Chunk #2 is evolving Project ePayTraffic to deliver products and services that are in demand. Converting time into money is in demand. Managing time in a more productive manner is in demand. Managing online wellness is in demand. Low cost advertising and marketing services are in demand. Love is in demand. More positive energy is in demand.

Lastly, I want to touch on the connection of some world issues I have already shared on Hive and what is to come. I was drawn to Hive because the blockchain protocol allowed for a more equitable system for compensating contributors for time, effort and quality content. I came from a manual traffic exchange ecosystem and a user of Google products and services. I explored all types of traffic generation and the impact it has in creating multiple streams of income. Income as a by-product of a healthy online lifestyle. So my intention was and continues to be good intentions. World issues cannot be avoided and if your in the business of moving traffic all over the world you need to be aware of what drives traffic and the role that money plays. Today, I cannot help but think that we are witnessing the creation of genocides to combat genocides. What makes a genocide a genocide is intent. Now I wait, watch and learn from unfolding world issues knowing that I am prepared as best as I can be for whatever impact I face locally.

Thanks again to everyone that has helped me get this far on Hive. Also, I apologize to anyone that may have been offended by any of my postings. There was no intention of causing harm to anyone. Hopefully the changes that I will be implementing will have positive influence for our Project ePayTraffic exchanging community and Income Professional Club.

#LUV and positive energy to all.


Under Operation Prosperity Guardian, the United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain are expected to deploy resources to the area to provide umbrella protection to as many trade vessels as possible at a given time.



@fjworld mined HBIT. ⛏️ (1/1) tools | trade | connect

Made with LUV by crrdlx.



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