Today, #PEPT announces our #4 pick for a #toofuckeh award.
What is wrong with these democratic leaders? I never understood why he would think our Prime Minister would publicly make up a story to this extreme. The bottom-line, to some democratic leaders, Canada is insignificant by many measures. Which means we can be ignored or moved along as need be. But, truth be known, you don't need big guns to defeat stupidly brought out of desperation or an unwillingness to admit fault. Just need enough courage to speak up when no one else dares to do so.
Our #TooFuckeh tag is to help drive some visitors to our traffic exchanging community sites. On and off Hive blockchain. I want to see more people creating blogs in our PEPT community so they can get higher rewards for their effort on Hive. Keywords being, their effort. PEPT is all about rewarding members based on their effort and moving in a direction where these efforts are leveraged for exponential returns. So let us join forces and move from playing in a sandbox to building something more foundational.
If you comment on this blog you will be sent some #TooFuckeh problem solving tokens. You will need to hold a minimum of one(1) #PEPTide or more to receive tokens from our #PEPT Banker account. However, you will receive 1,000 times the number of PEPTide you hold. If you hold 10 PEPTide you get a maximum of 10,000 TooFuckeh tokens. Want more #TooFuckeh or #PEPTide tokens, you can pick some up from the open market. Doing so means the proceeds will be used by FJ to lead problem solving initiatives. Doing so will contribute to building wealth on Hive. Want in without blogging? Pickup some #PEPT tokens, hold it while monitoring our experiment and sell later for some capital gain.
BTW, In the New Year, there will be changes to the distribution of #TooFuckeh tokens. You won't get as many for the same effort cause the plan is to see the token price increase.
Sending out #LUV and positive energy to all.