Memory Monday. News that being a child changed my life forever (Es-Eng)

in Qurator9 months ago
Hace algún tiempo que no publicaba en esta genial ¨Qurator Community¨:  y creo que era hora de hacerlo, sobre todo porque es la séptima semana consecutiva que estoy invitando a mis amigos a unirse, a este genial desafío que lleva adelante nuestro amigo @ericvancewalton. La iniciativa se llama #memoirmonday, un desafío maravillo genial de nuestra ¨blockchain¨, que tiene como finalidad compartir un mensaje los días lunes, que se guardarán por siempre en nuestra ¨cadena¨ de ¨bloques¨(Hive), cuyo mensaje podrán ser visto y leído por nuestros descendientes, y conocer más de la vida de sus ancestros.

Source: Family Álbum

It's been a while since I posted on this great ¨Qurator Community¨:  and I think it was time to do it, especially because it is the seventh consecutive week that I am inviting my friends to join this great challenge carried out by our friend @ericvancewalton. The initiative is called #memoirmonday, a wonderfully cool challenge from our blockchain, which aims to share a message on Mondays, which will be saved forever in our "chain" of "blocks" (Hive), whose message can be seen and read by our descendants, and learn more about the lives of their ancestors.

Para que puedan entender un poco más de que se trata ¨esta iniciativa¨:  les invito a ingresar en el link, y consultar todas las condiciones. Acompañar a nuestro amigo Erick en esta consigna es muy fácil, solo tienes que estar pendiente de la pregunta que nos hace @ericvancewalton los días domingo, y tendrá más de siete días para responder. La pregunta de esta semana es super interesante, y debes recurrir a de tu memoria

Source: Family Álbum

So that you can understand a little more what it is about ¨this initiative¨:  I invite you to enter the link, and consult all the conditions. Accompanying our friend Erick in this slogan is very easy, you just have to pay attention to the question that @ericvancewalton asks us on Sundays, and he will have more than seven days to respond. This week's question is super interesting, and you should resort to your memory

Es necesario una pequeña introducción para que puedan comprender porque siendo tan chico tenía conocimientos de las noticias del momento. Los primeros años de mi vida viví en casa de mis abuelos, mi abuelo ¨Mosqueda¨ era una persona muy dedicada e instruida, y con suma paciencia para enseñar a leer a un niño de corta edad. Su inteligencia le hacía dudar de la información de los periódicos locales, y por esa razón, además de informarse con diarios de la provincia, conseguía en un kiosco los periódicos de la capital del país, que, según su parecer, eran más confiables que los que podíamos acceder en la ciudad

Source: Family Álbum

A small introduction is necessary so that you can understand why, being so young, he had knowledge of the news of the moment. The first years of my life I lived in my grandparents' house, my grandfather ¨Mosqueda¨ was a very dedicated and educated person, and with great patience when teaching a young child to read. His intelligence made him doubt the information in the local newspapers, and for that reason, in addition to getting information from newspapers in the province, he obtained newspapers from the capital of the country at a kiosk, which, in his opinion, were more reliable than the that we could access in the city

Cuando aprendí a leer de corrido, y sobre todo al entender lo que leía, me asigno un sueldo mensual por leer todas las mañanas los periódicos que compraba. La historia que les quiero comentar paso allá por el año 1975, en aquella época contaba con tan solo 7 años de edad, y en un día como tantos otros, y mientras leía, no podía dejar de ver la cara de mi abuelo mientras oía la noticia, al punto que detuvo mi lectura y tomar el diario para ver con sus propios ojos lo que estaba pasando en el país, ese día que intuí que algo muy malo estaba por pasar.


When I learned to read regularly, and especially by understanding what I read, I gave myself a monthly salary for reading the newspapers I bought every morning. The story I want to tell you about happened back in 1975, at that time I was only 7 years old, and on a day like so many others, and while I was reading, I couldn't stop seeing my grandfather's face while he heard the news, to the point that I stopped reading and picked up the newspaper to see with my own eyes what was happening in the country, that day I sensed that something very bad was about to happen.

Mi abuelo más allá de estar siempre informado, tenía mucha intuición en lo que podía pasar, pero no se esperaba que con la noticia más grave en cuestión económica tendría nombre propio , y se conoció como el ¨Rodrigazo¨:  una inquietante situación para todo el ¨pueblo¨¨argentino¨ que llevo a la ¨quiebra¨ a muchos negocios y a padecer económicamente a los más vulnerables. Es verdad que días antes leíamos algunas noticias malas sobre la economía, pero jamás pensó que esto podía suceder. Esta situación afecta a nuestra familia, el dinero que mi papa obtenía por su trabajo no alcanzaba, lo que hizo que Mama dejara de ser ¨ama¨ de ¨casa¨ para salir a trabajar. Aún recuerdo los días fríos de inviernos en que acompañaba a mi Madre a su trabajo, esos días eran tan fríos que toda la indumentaria que te pusieras no alcanzaba para contener al frio, pero desconocía que no era lo peor, algo más grave estaba por suceder

Source: Family Álbum

My grandfather, beyond always being informed, had a lot of intuition about what could happen, but he did not expect that with the most serious economic news it would have its own name, and it became known as the ¨Rodrigazo ¨:  a disturbing situation for all the “Argentine people” that led to many businesses going bankrupt and the most vulnerable suffering economically. It is true that days before we read some bad news about the economy, but he never thought this could happen. This situation affects our family, the money that my dad got from his work was not enough, which made Mom stop being a "housewife" to go out to work. I still remember the cold winter days when I accompanied my Mother to work, those days were so cold that all the clothing you wore was not enough to contain the cold, but I did not know that it was not the worst, something more serious was about to happen.

Si bien la ¨crisis¨¨económica¨ duro muchos años, el impacto más fuerte de esta noticia sufrió la familia un año después, cuando la condición de mi padre (enfermo de celos) comenzó a empeorar en el momento en que mi Madre salió de casa a trabajar; las discusiones se hicieron más frecuentes, luego pasaron a ser diarias, al parecer esto no calmaba la ansiedad de discutir de mi padre y comenzaron los golpes, en este punto ya todos sufríamos, mis abuelos por no podían hacer nada, mi madre sufría mucho por los maltratos, y yo no podía ver a mi Mama sufrir, la separación fue muy dura y muy conflictiva, como dije, todos los integrantes de la familia sufrimos mucho. Esta ha sido la primera noticia que viví de niño, la gran ¨crisis¨ que tuvo el país, y sus consecuencias fueron muy graves para nosotros, a tal punto, que concluyo con la destrucción de mi familia

Although the "economic crisis" lasted many years, the strongest impact of this news was suffered by the family a year later, when my father's condition (sick with jealousy) began to deteriorate. worsen the moment my Mother left the house to work; The arguments became more frequent, then they became daily, apparently this did not calm my father's anxiety to argue and the beatings began, at this point we were all suffering, my grandparents couldn't do anything, my mother suffered a lot because the abuse, and I couldn't see my Mom suffer, the separation was very hard and very conflictive, as I said, all the members of the family suffered a lot. This was the first news that I experienced as a child, the great "crisis" that the country had, and its consequences were very serious for us, to the point that it ended with the destruction of my family

Source: Family Álbum


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

to the point that it ended with the destruction of my family

It is really sad to see you have such bad memories about your childhood but the good news is you some how managed to get out of this horrible situation and made a life and a family for your self. Sadly, some people never somehow manage to achieve what you did under the given circumstances.

For these types of situations my mother has a saying, what does not kill strengthens.
That's what life is about, learning from all the situations we have to live through.

Thank you very much for your kind words and for the enormous support you give me.

Have a wonderful day

For these types of situations my mother has a saying, what does not kill strengthens.

I heard something similar like Pain Makes you stronger but these are for me cliches I feel cause very few people get to go on to be successful people as most people under your circumstances either become drug addicts or even outright criminals because of their bad childhood experiences which no one in society seems to understand and care for. May be a big role was played by your grand parents including your mother and am glad you learned from this dark period and went on to be successful and free of any debt really.

I am so sorry to hear what you and your family went through.
The economic crisis had a very strong impact on your lives and it is understandable that it was a difficult situation to overcome.
I hope you are in a better place now and have been able to find peace and stability.


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Yes, political decisions, and especially when they are economic, always have a great impact on people's lives. It has been a hard year but one of learning.
Thank you very much for the empathy and your words.
Have a wonderful day dear friend