Memory Monday. My vision of what the world would be like in 30 years (Es-Eng)

in Quratorlast month
Hola apasionados amigos de esta genial ¨Qurator Community¨:  Que alegría poder estar aquí para recordarles que es el día del #memoirmonday de nuestro amigo @ericvancewalton, y aunque las cueste creer esta es la semana veintiséis de la iniciativa, lo bueno de esto es que con el correr de las semanas cada vez son más las personas que se suman a esta genial iniciativa de nuestra ¨cadena¨ de ¨bloques¨

Source: Family Álbum

Hello passionate friends of this great ¨Qurator Community¨:  What a joy to be here to remind you that it is the day of #memoirmonday of our friend @ericvancewalton, and although it is hard to believe this is the twenty-sixth week of the initiative, the good thing about this is that as the weeks go by, more and more people are joining this great initiative of our ¨chain¨ of ¨blocks¨

Si eres una de esas personas que no se ha unido al #memoirmonday te invito a ingresar al link de ¨esta iniciativa¨:  para que compruebes que participar del desafío es sumamente sencillo, solo debes responder la pregunta que hace cada semana nuestro amigo Eric. En la siguiente imagen puedes ver la pregunta semanal. Una pregunta que estimulara tu lado creativo

Source: Family Álbum

If you are one of those people who has not joined #memoirmonday, I invite you to enter the link of "this initiative":  so you can see that participating in the challenge is extremely simple, you just have to answer the question that our friend Eric asks every week. In the following image you can see the weekly question. A question that will stimulate your creative side

La pregunta de esta semana es una de esas que hace que recurra a tu imaginación e indagar en tu lado creativo. Por todas las afecciones que estoy afrontando en la actualidad no creo que llegue a los 86 años que tendría en el año 2054, pero si soy optimista, y las cosas cambian positivamente, quizás para entonces se hayan descubierto ¨medicinas¨¨regenerativas¨ que solucione mi afección de ¨diabetes¨ y todas las hernias de discos hayan pasado por una ¨cirugía¨¨restauradora¨, y que la parte ¨coronaria¨ este en buen funcionamiento como los ¨engranajes¨ de un ¨reloj¨, y pudiera estar presente en excelentes condiciones

Source: Family Álbum

This week's question is one of those that makes you tap into your imagination and delve into your creative side. Because of all the conditions I am currently facing, I do not believe I will reach the age of 86 that I would be in 2054, but if I am optimistic, and things change positively, perhaps by then "regenerative" medicines will have been discovered that will solve my "diabetes" condition and all the herniated discs will have undergone "restorative" surgery, and the "coronary" part will be in good working order like the "gears" of a "clock", and could be present in excellent condition

En el año 2054 Argentina finalmente ha podido romper el ciclo de la ¨crisis¨¨financiera¨ y se ha posicionado como uno de los mejores países del mundo; el país finalmente pudo desprenderse de los ¨políticos¨¨corruptos¨ y ser conducido por un reconocido profesional que obtuvo los mejores reconocimientos en el área de administración, llevando al país a ser el ¨distribuidor¨ número uno de ¨alimentos¨ del mundo. La gestión del campo no solo ha creado trabajo digno para las personas, también se han ocupado más del 80 % de los terrenos vírgenes con siembra de ¨cereales¨, ¨pastajes¨ para los animales

Source: Family Álbum

In the year 2054, Argentina has finally been able to break the cycle of the financial "crisis" and has positioned itself as one of the best countries in the world; the country was finally able to get rid of the corrupt "politicians" and be led by a renowned professional who obtained the best recognitions in the area of administration, leading the country to be the number one "distributor" of "food" in the world. The management of the countryside has not only created decent work for people, but also more than 80% of virgin lands have been occupied with sowing of "cereals", "pastures" for animals

Las personas, mandatarios, y los empresarios finalmente comprendieron que había que hacer un cambio en favor del ¨medio¨¨ambiente¨, los ¨activistas¨ lograron hacer entender que había que cambiar los hábitos de ¨uso¨ y ¨consumo¨, los mares se han podido recuperar del tan temido ¨plástico¨ que estaban contaminado el agua y acabando con los ¨arrecifes¨ tan importante para la ¨vida¨¨humana¨, los vehículos ya no utilizan ¨combustibles¨, el ¨petróleo¨ dejo de ser el ¨oro¨¨negro¨ y las causas de muchas ¨discusiones¨¨políticas¨ que terminaban en guerras, en el 2054 las diferencias entre países se resuelven ¨diplomáticamente¨, las fronteras ya no funcionan como las hacían en el año 2024, las personas ya no utilizan pasaporte para ir de un país a otro, el dinero dejo de ser importante, y no se imprime en papel, todo se paga desde ¨billeteras¨¨virtuales¨, la alimentación ya no es un problema, todo lo que se consume es libre de pesticidas y muy saludables, lo que hace que las personas puedan superar los cien años de vida con una excelente ¨calidad¨¨física¨.

Source: Family Álbum

People, leaders, and businessmen finally understood that a change had to be made in favor of the "environment", the "activists" managed to make people understand that they had to change their habits. ¨use¨ and ¨consumption¨, the seas have been able to recover from the much feared ¨plastic¨ that was contaminating the water and destroying the ¨reefs¨ so important for human ¨life¨, vehicles no longer use ¨fuels¨, ¨oil¨ stopped being ¨black¨ gold¨ and the causes of many ¨political¨ discussions¨ that ended in wars, in 2054 the differences between countries are resolved ¨diplomatically¨, the borders no longer work as they did in 2024, people no longer use passports to go from one country to another, money is no longer important, and it is not printed on paper, everything is paid from virtual ¨wallets¨, food is no longer a problem, everything that is consumed is free pesticide-free and very healthy, which allows people to live over a hundred years with excellent physical "quality."


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Poah compartido en mis redes sociales

Thank you very much dear friend @hivecurators for the support you give me

I like your vision of the future, my friend! I hope, for your sake and for all Argentinians, it unfolds as you envision. I really appreciate your contribution this week!

The problem with Argentina is the politicians who govern it, since there are many resources for my country to develop as it should

Thank you very much for the good wishes and the great support that you always give me

Have a beautiful day dear friend @ericvancewalton

It's the same way in America too! It's always the greed and corruption. You're welcome my friend. Take care of yourself and enjoy the week!