This question should be ringing in the mind of married couples today. In the beginning of every relationship everything always seems to go smoothly, but as time progresses the two parties involved may began to fine faults from each other. This is normal but at the same time needs to be controlled in order to avoid steady conflict and to promote peace and harmony in the family.
In today's world, the rate of divorce keep increasing so badly, and this happens mostly among young couples. This has made many to think that relationship should never exit and others to think that they will never find the right person that will understand every bit of their feelings. If you are those thinking the same way, just know that there is still hope only if you and your partner can listen and follow the practice advice I will be given out in this post.
There are some are some qualities needed for relationships and marriages to last longer. These qualities when exhibit by the both parties in the relationship will help create a peaceful atmosphere in their relationship.
Qualities needed to Build a Successful Relationship
There are many qualities need to build a successful relationship but in this post I will be mentioning just but few of them.
- Commitment
Many relationship today view their relationship as something they can opt out from once they feel they are tired or when they face some challenges. This is very wrong. Couples who are committed to each other view their relationship as a permanent bond. This help them remind ever stronger knowing that each of them respect their union so much that nothing can put it apart even in times of difficulty, times when all they want is to be alone.
Couples who are committed to their relationship has this unique attitude; they easily accept fault and the both parties tries to resolve their issue as soon as possible. Apologizing to each other is never a problem but they take it as a priority. The view problems that comes their way not as a deal breaker but as an obstacle that can eliminated.
Have you had a problem with your part and he or she angrily tells you that this relationship should come to an end? Many couples does it today but this is absolutely very wrong. If you are one who does it, please always view your problem as an obstacle that can be eliminated not as something that can put you two apart. Avoid the wrong idea of "devoice if it didn't work" many have today. Divorce will never in any way solve your problem. Always ask yourself; " how far is too far?". Knows your limit when talking and try to realize that we humans are imperfect so we should manage each other. Couples should tolerate each other inorder to build a greener relationship.
- Respect
Respect is another quality that many in a relationship needs today. Does respect really matter in a relationship? Sure! It does matter. Many relationships today has ended due to lack of respect from both parties.
How does couples who respect each other behave? They care deeply about each other even when they have serious disagreement. The make sure that their disagreement never come in-between their relationship.they care and love each other regardless of the atmosphere.
Couple who respect each other always try to listen to their partner when trouble arise. They appreciate each other's value and make sure to resolve their problem without a fight. They always try not to do things that will damage their relationship, instead they do things that build the relationship up.
Respect is very important because it helps creat a peaceful atmosphere in a relationship. It helps create a way for conversation to flow smoothly and not become a source of criticism, or even contempt.
Couples who respect each other will never talk down on their part. They will never talk I'll of them out side but will always present them well both to family members and to onlookers.
This is what you will do to test yourself of if you have respect for your partner.
Ask yourself;
- How do I present my partner outside?
- Hi do I take to my partner when we are in private?
- Does my partner say things that shows that I respect him or her?
- Does my partner's attitude shows that he or she is being Respected?
- What words and actions make my partner feel respected?
Relationship is a beautiful thing so is wil be really nice if it is satisfying.
I'm using this post as my participation in the Mayinleo. I'm inviting @sammyhive to take part. There are free premium to win.
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