"When the mouth failed to speak for itself"

In gradeschool, teachers taught us the simple functions of the parts of our human body. After learning how plain our human body works, as a child, I was amazed. We don't need complicated definition to understand ourselves. A carefree and joyous child trying to figure out that those facile bodily functions will last when we grow up. Making use of my mouth for eating and speaking and my brain for thinking what to eat after breakfast. Then repeat the cycle. Everything was uncomplicated. Without knowing that one day, I'll woke up with the complexities of how to manage my human body. Seeking valuable reasons on how to face reality. Realizing that life isn't that effortless.

20240628_182231.jpg Forbidden words.

When I was little, I don't understand how adults think and act, not until I became an adult myself. I should've learned this quote earlier, "put yourself in the shoes of other's, so you'll know how they feel". I would've empathize with them more. Adulting had all the compound emotions and complex situation in the world. It may seem so easy, but it is like speaking using the mouth but cannot utter a word or thinking using your mind in desolation. Is it just me or did you experienced it,too? Or are you experiencing it right now? Then you're a human, you're an alive ADULT(A Determined U that keeps on Living 'Til you reach the core of your purpose in life.) All of us are different from one another. We may have carried the burdens (whatever burdens that you're carrying right now), but I can assure you that this is what living looks like. The uniqueness of our own lives makes us want more, explore further and endure limitlessly.

We may experience troubled minds, to the extent of not being able to think radically every now and then, please make sure to speak with your heart and not with your empty mouth. When you speak with your empty mouth, all the bland words will come out and it'll back fire you. But, if the mouth failed to speak for itself, let your heart do the talking for it'll utter genuine words. For what good is talking without comprehending, and what good is comprehending without feeling?

I hope you enjoyed my writing. Let me know your thoughts about this piece and please comment down your suggestions or keypoints to improve my writing. It'll be much appreciated. Thank you for reading.


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Oh, thank you for the full of thoughts and words.😊 Yeah, be careful what you speak because it cannot be erased from the mind of the person 😊

Yes, it is. Thank you for reading my piece teacher mau. Let's support each other all the way.

You're welcome.. I'm okay with Mau.😁😁

Hello @coloredshimmers 🙋

Life is full of experiences of different shades and colors, that as we grow up we assimilate and experience. Now that we have more awareness we can be more open minded and willing to continue learning.⭐️

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"But if the mouth failed to speak for itself, let your heart do the talking". Such a beautiful line to ponder on, Ms @coloredshimmers .

Thank you ma'am. I want to inspire more. God bless you.

Well-said Ma'am @coloredshimmers

We may experience troubled minds, to the extent of not being able to think radically every now and then, please make sure to speak with your heart and not with your empty mouth. When you speak with your empty mouth, all the bland words will come out and it'll back fire you. But, if the mouth failed to speak for itself, let your heart do the talking for it'll utter genuine words. For what good is talking without comprehending, and what good is comprehending without feeling.

Thank you ma'am. Hope you enjoyed reading. God bless.

Sometimes it's better not to talk if we are talking nonsense @coloredshimmers. :)

Yes indeed ma'am. You're right.