Hey dear community, at the beginning I would like to welcome you all to my new contribution and hope you had a day that brought many positive experiences into your life! In this article I would like to introduce you to a few projects that others should definitely look at and maybe I can even motivate one or the other to support them.
The Hive Blockchain offers a great way to generate reach for content as well as different projects and I have found some interesting ones that do charitable work and are committed to making the world a better place. Hive is a perfect way to transparently share the work and let others participate in the progress and if people actively participate in a project, the donations can be traced back thanks to the blockchain and thus others can be relatively sure that the donated money will also be used in the right way. In the past, I have already published an article here where I have listed some aspects why Hive can be interesting for charitable purposes and in this article I have already listed some projects such as the Borehole project in Ghana which is led by @mcsamm and @collinz and proves how water supplies have been built in Ghana with the help of the help of the Hive community and the DHF. Recently I also found out about @hive.helps who use an intelligent strategy to collect money for charitable causes and in addition to donations by the community, the HBDs are donated, which were generated through interest. Posts are regularly published to show how the funds were used and to record that the funds really arrive and through this initiative, many projects have already been supported so far and as I have read, the current goal of them is to generate 20000 HBD in order to be able to donate 250 USD in monthly intervals.
The Kingdom runs the account @hive.aid which provides humanitarian aid and uses the collected funds to help people in need and who would like to support the Kingdom and learn more about it, I can suggest visiting this contribution here from @hallmann and support their proposal. Also worth mentioning is the project @combination which uses the concept of donating something and at the same time participating in a lottery that is drawn every week and the entrance fees plus donations are sent to @papilloncharity. The Papillon foundation is a Non profit organisation that aims to help poor people and has already supported numerous projects in recent years and has changed the lives of many people, more information can be found on the website. A great active project is also that of @elkezaksek who helps people in Uganda to be able to buy survival things or to help others in need and regularly she reports about the circumstances of people who are going through difficult times. Also important is the initiative @kbv.animalwelf which aims to help animals in need who are currently going through an illness or have to deal with other bad situations and their main location is Thailand. Finally, I would like to link some more projects which I know and would also be happy if someone knows more on Hive which could be shared in the comments:
@cleanplanet (https://cleanplanet.io)
Many thanks for visiting my post and I hope you could learn something new about this important topic, I have created this artwork above with Wonder!