Meow, I wish a happy New Year to all members of the Caturday community!
OK, it’s my turn now to sit on this bench.
I’ve waited so long for this.
So many people stop here every now and then, and take a rest sitting on it.
We cats also have the right to sit on it.
But I have to keep a watchful eye on any human or animal trying to evict me for sitting here...
This is a nice spot, because I can oversee the whole area.
I finally managed to take my rightful place in the world.
I’m not like other cats, who are more than happy, when humans feed them with their leftovers, or catch a poor little mouse to feed themselves and temporarily forget their
Oh, no, meow!
This is the first step to conquering the world.
Who knows what comes next?
Don’t you think I deserve it?
I certainly do, because I am a high-flying feline!