Damaged Done : A Freewrite

in Freewriters16 days ago

The federal government should have closed down many of these roadside poor. Ohh, space for illicit sex and drugs but they have been corrupted. Also there is enough bribe in their pocket that will never allow them to close down many of these.

And this roadside ones, they’ve started this character of always selling adulterated drinks. That, uh, posing a health risk for people all around. If you are not a OK with selling good drinks, whereas you sell at the market price and still at your profit to return, you still make gain, but because you want to make times two 4 * 10 of whatever that does not exist so that you can easily make a very huge amount of money then.

The result to. Buying a daughter to drinks and products all around that can harm people’s health and do more damage than what alcohol and vodka has done. I can tell you for real that. So she think we know end well and it’s terrible.

People are actually dying of kidney and liver diseases here and there. But no one knows where it ends. And we can’t even see the end of all these things and the drug and law enforcement agency that should have swing into action and correct things.