This is a really thought-provoking short story! The dialogue between Tamec and the old wanderer feels natural and engaging, with a mix of humor and deeper philosophical reflection that pulls you in. I love how the story explores the idea of "living" versus merely existing, and how the wanderer’s perspective on survival and finding meaning is both relatable and eye-opening. The way you contrast the wanderer’s harsh life experience with Tamec’s curiosity creates a great dynamic between the characters. The old man's advice about "holding out the right hand" has a layered, almost cryptic feel to it, which leaves the reader reflecting on their own choices and how they interact with the world. The writing flows well, with just the right amount of detail to paint a picture of the setting without slowing down the conversation. Overall, this piece leaves you with a lot to think about, and it’s written in a way that feels raw, real, and impactful. Great job!