From dusty textbooks to the digital age WEEK 211

in Weekend Experiences3 months ago

From dusty textbooks to the digital age


I found some very interesting topics for this weekend but for my post I have chosen a rather controversial topic, so I start by mentioning that everything you will read here is exactly my vision of the future of education.

By the way, when we talk about this educational system, it differs, of course, from one country to another, so here you will find strictly my vision of the educational system in rural Romania.

As well as my job, I am currently on the board of two rural schools in Romania.
I can say that I see how the education system is advancing in real time, so first of all I will make a comparison of what the education system was like when I was at school.

At the age of 39, I had the chance to go through the educational system during the communist period and also to have a taste of the post-communist system when the first signs of technology started to appear here in Romania.

When I'm talking about technology, don't expect big systems, very late in life my parents managed to buy me a computer and I didn't have a better computer until I was of age.
So, the education system in my time was rudimentary, we had old textbooks (textbooks were used for several generations until they were worn out and you couldn't use them anymore) and notebooks in which we did our homework, my backpack must have weighed around 10 kilograms because of the textbooks and notebooks in which we did our homework for each subject.

I can still remember the teacher taking us in turns to the blackboard and, with a piece of chalk, asking us to write different topics on the blackboard.

It was awful to write on the blackboard because when we had to erase what we had written it created that chalk dust and it was not comfortable at all.

I will stop here with the educational system of that period, there is a lot to say but I don't think it would be really interesting so let me tell you how education is done today here in the rural areas of this part of Romania.

Nowadays young people have access to technology, so all the rudimentary methods of the educational system are history, with technology occupying an important place in children's development.


Today teachers come to class with laptops or tablets, lesson presentations are made on smart boards, these presentations must keep up with technology, access to information is much easier, honestly sometimes I wonder if teachers are still needed.

Another question that comes to my mind is what teachers will be doing in 20 years' time, what they will be used for.


Access to information and technology comes with problems.


Even here in rural areas, students from a very young age start to copy characters from the online environment, here I am referring to clothing, the way they look, makeup, tattoos.

My opinion is that parents are also very guilty for not intervening more strongly in their children's education.

But the biggest problem we seem to have is that young people have started to use psychoactive substances, even drugs.

So, I don't see the future of education here in rural areas, I think it's going in the wrong direction, which will be very difficult to correct as time goes on.

Today teachers effectively have no rights, education legislation only protects students, teachers are forgotten.

The conclusion of this post is that unless the education system will become much more rigid and strict (as it is in many countries), we cannot talk about a performing system that will create the future leaders of this country.


If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached picture you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone(Samsung Galaxy S21), and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug😉

 3 months ago Reveal Comment

Thank you very much.