Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
Always In Danger!
Now I've thing I have come to realize is that I am always in trouble when playing the solo story! Almost always! It might be because I dive too deep too fast!
I should rather take it a bit slower instead of gunning it out as fast as I can! I barely jumped into the game and got hit by a "mosquito!" A damned mosquito! I didn't even know there were mosquitos in the game!
So the first rule of order is to gun back to base camp and upgrade some of my armor and weapons, besides it has been long over due!
After all it has been telling me to upgrade my armor and stuff for a while now!
Causing Trouble!
Even after I told myself that homewards might be the best option for me to go at I still tried challenging bigger bugs! This time a "Firefly," now don't get me wrong they aren't aggresive at all, that is if you don't stab them with spears!
That is besides the point! I need to find out what they can give me, perhaps a few lights in the house I've not built yet? Mind you I noticed I never saved properly and the house I have worked for so hard is all but gone!
Run Run Run is the only option now!
See the delay in my plans really pushed me into some deep troubles now! It's night time and I am stuck out in the wilderness!
Bullet Proof Mask!
This was either a brilliant idea or a stupid one! I pressed most of my resources into the spear and the mask I had! Mainly the mask! I upped it to level three and well nobody is going to bash my head in anymore!
At-least that sounds like a great idea until you fall into the field of battle! Then all sounds stupid for not upping the body armor! I have no choice anymore other than to gather up some brittle plating to up the stats on everything else!
Low On Everything!
Now this is turning into a real big problem! I am low on everything and gathering some more is vital! Especially so with gathering food! I managed to slap down a beetle and grab a chunk of very salty meat from it but it wont exactly carry me very far hey!
I am in dire need of everything!
This Game Got A Whole Lot More Entertaining Now!
I decided to take a nap in the game and continue the hunting the next morning! Well that was either a mistake but it gave me quite a surprise!
It would seem that I wasn't shrunk by some grandpapa but by some evil corporation? Or something along those lines, this really adds some depth to the game and now I am even more competent to get on with the game!
Well as I said I should refrain from rushing too fast!
Some evil corporation no doubt about that! He's not even subtle about shrinking me! I have to find out what exactly happened to me! I have to!
Early To Rise!
The new day brought some amazing findings!
I woke early and went on my way to discovering the next Super.l Chip for Burg.L! Mind you I probably should have headed over to Burg.l first and ask him about my very weird villian dream!
He must be able to shed some light on the matter!
Simply Magnificent!
I've ran past this pond quite a few times and never have I ever thought to take a dive into the depths of it! Never!
Taking a quick dive into it revealed a whole other world!
A nice under water metropolis! Filled with labs and weird creatures that I have never seen before so close up!
I bet this place is filled with its own kind of dangers!
Even A Lab!
This I never expected! To find a lab under the water!
Getting into this one might not be a easy as I thought! I tried several times but the 40 second oxygen timer just didn't exactly cut it for me!
The thing is I don't exactly want to hit up MR.Google but if I don't succeed I might have to! However I have a trick up my sleeve and that is capturing or killing on of the "Boatman" toads that are swimming in the water!
It must have something to do with having longer breath! It must!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!
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