Crazy butt_dialing experience ever

in Digital Lifestyle11 days ago

This prompt is one of a kind to be very sincere I don't off every one have this experiences but this are one of the mistakes that takes any major phone user unawares.

Personally I love texts so much that even my mom observed and told me one day that she knows that I don't like calls, I can pretty surprise because I didn't see that coming from my mom.
However that nothing but the truth I'm a no call person especially this year, I found out that I really derailing with making calls, but I can text and respond to text messages online and offline, reason is because I'm always with my phone so, I rarely initiate a call but I do answer calls when I have one.

Talking about text blunders, I think it's inevitable, I have had many occasions where I text the wrong person and the last one that happened was just yesterday Saturday evening when I text the wrong person while trying to reply a text I received from another person. I had to leave the message the way it was because it's one of my naughty friends but he later asked me what I meant by the text I sent, I laughed and told him it was a mistake that the message was not for him.

Meanwhile the most terrible experiences is with butt-dialing someone, anytime I remember this particular one where I butt-dialed my pastors number I always feel like crying 😂
I was in a very environment when I dialed his number without knowing so he had picked up the call and was saying something without hearing me reply, I was so pissed when I realized I just dialed my pastor's number. He called me back to know what was going on, you know as a church drummer that I'm he was thinking maybe I had something important to tell him but when he called I had to tell him it was a mistake that I knew no what was going on he responded with “alright” then hanged up the call, I sighed so deeply, it was a sigh of relief.
Butt dialing can be very harmful and dramatic at the same time, so I have always been avoiding the same mistake especially with him. Even if it should happen but not with my pastor again.

Thanks for stopping by
I'm @sylvasticks


Well, thankfully, the pastor didn't hear anything "questionable." Which do you prefer on the drums, praise or worship?

Yeah he didn't.
I prefer praise😀