After jarring up all of freshly harvested cannabis, its ready to start the long curing process. It will take a few months for the cannabis buds to reach its full potential, but in the mean time I can start smoking and vaping it. Though the flavor will not be all there just yet, I can start to get an idea of what the buds are like.
Guess the total gram weight of the harvest and the closest person wins 10 Hive
The smoke report:
The smell: It smells like pepper, so probably has a terpine profile with Caryophyllene, or β(beta)-Caryophyllene in it. There are many kinds of terpines that change the smell, taste and even the effects of the cannabis. Its all quite interesting.
The taste: Since the buds have only just started curing, a lot of the flavor is still "leafy" but I can pick up on some peppery undertones.
Good to see some purples came through in the buds.
The vape: I was expecting a very harsh few draws since it has had no time to cure, but honestly it was pretty mild besides the flavors of the leaves still in there. That will go away once it cures for awhile.
Looking forward to trying the buds more once they cure for a few months, they will be like completely new nugs with how they change as they cure.
Last harvest I got 9 jars and this time I got 10+.. so chances are this harvest was greater in yield. These buds feel more dense than the Blue Dream.
A close up look at the buds:
Laying out a jar on a plate we can see how the purples are there, mostly green but some of those purple buds seen in my previous post came through in the trimming.
The smell coming from these buds is amazing, they were very stinky while flowering. Now the harvested buds have a new smell to them, its quite nice. The effects are nice, feels pretty potent too. I just had a couple draws from the bag and was good for awhile.
The jars:
I dried the buds for three days, seems to be the right amount. I wait until that leaf smell is not so strong where I am drying them. By then they seem to be ready for jars.
I think the buds came out real nice.
10 large mouthed mason jars filled, plus one jar about 25% full.
So tasty looking, lining them all up I can appreciate them much more.
Hopefully all of this will last me until my next harvest, with seeds in the ground now that should be around 3-4 months from now.
Its so cool seeing bits of purple in these jars, you have to look for it but its there.
Jarring it all up did not take long, using the drying system with the hanging bags was easy to just scoop them right into the jar.
Now the jars will go into my closet and I will open them a few times a day at first to "burp" them. And as the weeks go on, I will "burp" them less and less. Once three months pass they are completely ready for consumption.
Leave a comment on this post with your guess of the total harvest weight of the Sour Diesel in grams, jar weight not included.
After seven days I will announce the winner and send the 10 Hive to the person that got the closest.
Previous weigh in contests: