in FreeCompliments7 days ago



The next character in the series of Bible characters I will like explore his biography is the Patriarch, Abram Terah. Abram had two other junior brothers of the parents, Nahor and Haran.


His birth date was not clearly mentioned in the Bible as well as the name of his mother. His father was Terah, a prominent high priest of the country of Ur of Chaldea popularly known today as Iraq. The Bible didn't say anything about his mother nor about his female siblings.

The story of this great Patriach started when his father Terah took him and his siblings intending to go to Canaan, but settled in Haran (i.e. presently Turkey). Terah, the father of Abram died there in Haran. The shrine and and all idols of Terah was handed over to Abram. Abram became the native high priest of Haran.


Abram was diligent in his service of the idols. God Almighty, the creator of the universe was keenly observing Abram's dedication to his services. God noticed that if he is rightly directed, he will do very well.
So, one cool day, the Almighty Jehovah came closer to Abram's shrine. God called him, Abram! Abram!! He answered thinking that one of the spirits he was serving was calling him. The Almighty Jehovah called him again, and told him to come outside the shrine to observe something important.
Abram came outside the shrine. The Almighty Jehovah Introduced Himself to him.

Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee (Genesis 12:1).

Verses two and three outlined the blessings that will follow Abram if he will obey:
I will bless you
I will make you great
I will bless all who bless you
I will make you a blessing


He absolutely agreed and took with him Lot his late brother's son, Sarai his own wife. He left Haran to unknown destination of Canaan, which God promised him. He went out also with his flock of herds and servants. Lot also went with his own wife and servants with his own flock of herds.

Abram obeyed God wholeheartedly and became the leader of the innumerable company of pilgrims who have a city whose builder and maker is God (Genesis 12:1-4 and Hebrews 11:8-10).


Genesis chapter thirteen records that there was strive, quarrel between the servants of Abram and servants of Lot over pasture-able location. Abram called Lot his late brother's son and suggested that they part ways to maintain peace and tranquility. Abram allowed Lot to choose first, let him go over to the remaining side. Lot hastily chose the side of Sodom and Gomorrah, because such was very fertile.

So, Abram went to the remaining side. Then God went there with him and he became very prosperous. And there was absolute peace and tranquility among them.


The most important events in the career of Abram are connected with his journeys:

  1. From Ur of Chaldea to Haran (Gen. 11:31). Terah, the father of Abram died in Haran (Gen. 11:32).

  2. From Haran to Shechem (Gen. 12:1-6). There was a divine appearance, Abram built an altar there (Gen. 12:7).

  3. From Shechem to Bethel (Gen. 12:8). He built an altar, and offered prayers.

  4. Bethel to Egypt (Gen. 12:9-11). He denied Sarai as his wife (Gen. 12:11-13).

  5. Return to Bethel, offered prayers (Gen. 13:1-4).

  6. Bethel to Hebron, he built an altar (Gen. 1318).

  7. Hebron to Damascus, he pursued robbers, rescued Lot and recovered goods (Gen. 14:1-16).

  8. Returned from Hebron, gave tithes to Melchizedek (Gen.14:16-20):

  • God reaffirmed His promises to give Abram children (Gen. 15:1-15).
  • Ishmal was born by Hagar a bound handmaid (Gen. 16:15)
  • His name was changed from Abram to Abraham, and his wife's name was changed from Sarai to Sarah (Gen.17:1-17).
  • He made an intercessory prayer for Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 18:23-32).
  1. From Hebron to Gerar (Gen. 20:1):
  • He denied Sarah his wife and claimed she was his sister. Abimelech took her for wife (Gen. 20:2).
  • Abimelech returned Sarah to Abraham with so much gifts (Gen. 20:14-16).
  • Abraham prayed for Abimelech's healing and God answered him (Gen. 20:17).
  • Isaac was born as God promised (Gen. 21:1-3).
  • Every male in Abraham's house was circumcised in one single day (Gen. 21:4).
  • Hagar the bondservant and her son were sent out from Abraham's house, (Gen. 21:5-22).
  • Abraham's hard test was done in the same land (Gen. 22:1-18):
  1. From Gerar to Beersheba (Gen. 22:19):
  • Sarah died at the age of one hundred and twenty - seven (Gen. 23:1-20).
  • Sarah was buried in the cemetery where Abraham bought from Ephron, from the hands of the children of Heth (vv.19-20).
  1. At Abraham's old age, he made Eliazah to vow with an oath to go back to his own father's house to get wife for his son Isaac (Gen. 24:1- 67):
  • Eliazah agreed to Abraham's detailed instructions.
  • Eliazah got Rebecca the daughter of Nahor, Abraham's youngest brother.
  1. Abraham remarried after the burial of his wife Sarah. Abraham married to Keturah who born six sons and many daughters to him (Gen. 25:1-2).

  2. Abraham died at the age of one hundred and seventy-five years (Gen. 25:7-8):

  • Ishmael and Isaac buried him in the cemetery where his wife was buried (Gen. 25:9-10).
  • God visited Isaac with great blessings as He promised Abraham (Gen. 25:11).


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