something I really want to do for the people

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Looking at the political system entirely, I can say that, it would be hard to impacts changed in the system, but that doesn't mean I would ride on the way things are now, I would be a leader that keep balance.

I am someone who always have this thinking that, something doesn't just start happening, yet, there must be a laid foundation which stand strong as the pillars to everything we are seeing.

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It feels so unlikely when the people who are votes into a political positions do away with the trust that people had in them, it is not a day dream anymore as most of the things political candidate said before they're voted into offices are few or less fulfilled.

Once they're vote's into office, immunity would covered them and it would be very hard to question each of their actions if it's wrong or right.

When a country have a bad leader that do not care for the people, nothing that the people would do, it would be the mercy of the lord that would touch the leader heart and he change his way of ruling.

A lot of things have been going on and those are not right, mostly I would just wish, we have this person to correct the wrongs that was already in place and put everything in our nation in the right place.

If I become the president of our country or a governor in the state I hailed from, I would not let my people down, I mean, why would I do that, the truth is, every governor or president must step down rich but in as that, I would make sure the people enjoy my tenure in any way possible, the issue we have are that, some rulers don't want the citizens to see lights.

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What I mean by light is that, they are making life more difficult for the citizens instead of looking out for them, I mostly think about, why does it come out that way all the times.

Because when a candidate is not votes into an office, he will be so clear about his manifesto but once giving the opportunity to serve, he would thrown everything into the gutter and he will become a different person, such that does everything the way he pleases and not minding whatever others feels about his governance.

Once I was traveling using a train, from Abia state to Rivers State and inside the train, I met some young men's and they were talking about our country, economic, finances etc, a particular guy make an opinion that, not like some leaders do not want to do what's best for the people but sometimes, when a leader has a bad cabinet, he also became a bad person.

Because he can not go to our doorsteps and do all the things he wants to do for the people, but he needs people who can deliver some of those roles for him, but some people end up not doing those tasks, and would embezzled the fund's while letting the expected beneficiary to suffers and be saying that their leader do not fulfilled his promises.

I see a very good point from his speech, so in my era as a government or president, I would take notes of these and make sure that whoever I sent to deliver the necessary package do it appropriately and I would make sure my era of governance is not base on what I have been told but I would find a day and visit the projects and see if it was really done as I instructed.

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I might not do others thing's right, but there is something I would never failed to do and that is, making sure that works are available for all levels of men.

When people work and take something home, everyone gets happy and it became a win win event.

Currently, in Nigeria, unemployed people are too much and life wouldn't be hard if we all have something to do, it is not right when people are willing and capable to work yet no place of work to accommodate them, my friend complaint how he is paid a salary that's not encouraging, I didn't say anything because I am not working in their company so, I did not know if it was true, but right there he correct himself, because, he atleast has a work that's paying him.

Most country's problems is unemployment, and if the government of those country's can't do anything about it, and those people who are willing to work do not finds a place to fix themselves, it would still becomes a big problem to that country.

This are what I would do, I would not just be a sit at the office leader, I would make sure that no one is unemployed in my territory and I would make sure that those awarded contracts are done appropriately.


Thanks @mysteriousroad I appreciate 🥰🙏

Why leaders seems to change after leadership is given to them? When you are under the cellar one make cellar-talk, on the veranda one make veranda-talk, when at the dinner table a dinner-table , when on the roof a rooftop talk because you now have to speak to more people and more powerful people who might not share even your basic principles and when you are in the leadership cabinet of equals one have to water down your position until sometimes you down even know yourself any more. Mainly because you find yourself agreeing to stuffs you might opposed all your life...

Posted via ReggaeJahm | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Wow! You have said it all, thanks I appreciate 🥰 🙏