More of Practical, Less Theory for Two Year's

in Weekend Experiences4 months ago

I do not like the way education system are handle and as far as I do not like it, i think, I can give solutions to what it's best in the system.

In school today, they system is base on methods, and while neglecting what is important, which should be focusing on the practical aspects of teaching, when people see and feel what they're taught, it would be very hard for them to forget what was taught.

Meanwhile, most schools neglect this practical methods and educate their students only what was written on textbook, now, when these people can't feel this thing's, it somehow becomes difficult for them to understand the lessons.

Relating this to the volume of unemployment we had in the world today, I think this is one of the cause, as less practical was done in school, when those students graduate, they would hardly perform a skill on their own but they are intelligent people.

It's just few department in school that takes the arts of practicalism into consideration and these departments because they are few, at the end, a greater number of students would be pushed out into the labor market, calling them finished products while they can't finish a thing on their own rather than reads and right.

Moreover, in schools, some faculty's should be abolished, because it doesn't seems right at all, teaching and teaching alone, departments that focused on skills and talents should be allowed and all other's should be get away with.

Because, in the labor world nowadays, firm's do not needs much of administrative efforts, but needs are placed on the person's who can handle tools, machines etc, but going to colleges and universities, we finds out that, even the none tools faculty's, had the greater number of students, then I always asked myself. "what's really the matter?

It is that people don't see what's going on, or the school chooses to give admissions more on those faculties, so, I should strongly suggest that, we get away with those faculty's of none tools handler, so that no students became intelligent and not able to fend for himself after school, a none productive individual is a problem to himself, his family, his community as a whole, also a problem to the society.

Thereafter, I will also dive into the numbers of years in school, studying years are so long, it shouldn't be up to four or five years, I would like for it to be reduced, and also reduced on the numbers of courses offered per semester, it is not funny at all, because students offer more than five courses per semester, when this is going on, what do they want them to understand, complexity is somehow confusing sometimes, a maximum number of two courses that suits the discipline should be offer in two years and not something students spent up to four or five years.

Lastly, schools should be built on far from homes, because noises distract learning, i am saying this, because I picked example from the school I attend, it was just close to the road, and each time we had lectures in the hall that was close to the road, we feel distracted and the lecturer would have to volume the microphone to the last drop so that it stop the noise coming from the environment, yet the whole things at times, make the students to be distracted.

This is my entry in the weekend engagement by @galenkp you can join using this link. Thanks, blissfulness, I wish you this weekend.

Images are mine.