Cleaning of cutting boards / Limpieza de tablas de cortar (ENG / SPN)


Photo by Arina Krasnikova


Hello plant-based foodies, wherever you are in the world and/or galaxy!

Here @sirenahippie

Giving continuity to the educational posts that we have been offering you, today we will address a topic that may seem irrelevant, but that is very important when it comes to hygiene in food preparation, and that is: CLEANING THE BOARDS TO CUT; since these kitchen utensils can become storage sites for bacteria, microbes, fungi, etc., which is why it is necessary to clean them very well once we use them.


Cutting boards require greater attention when cleaning, since they are in direct contact with raw and cooked foods, so in many cases it will not only be enough to wash them, but also disinfect them. It is also necessary to have several cutting boards, depending on the food that is placed on them. In each house there should be at least two cutting boards, although the ideal number of cutting boards is 6 units, this from a non-vegan perspective. Next, we will explain what the ideal (non-vegan) provision is, since we know that many of our users and readers are not vegan:

  • A cutting board intended for pasta, cheese, bread, cakes and the like.

  • Another cutting board just for fruits and vegetables.

  • A cutting board for raw white meat (chicken, turkey, hen, etc.).

  • Cutting board for fish and shellfish (raw).

  • Board for cutting raw red meat (beef, lamb, pork, sheep, etc.)

  • Board to cut already cooked meats and sausages or cold cuts.



  • Wash with plenty of water (if it is hot water, better) and soap. If possible, scrub them with a brush. Dry them very well with absorbent paper. Then, wipe another absorbent paper soaked in white vinegar, and let this ingredient act for 30 minutes. Another way is after washing and drying, spray them with white vinegar, and leave it on the surface of the board for the same period of time. In both cases, after 30 minutes, dry very well with another absorbent paper, and then store them in a vertical position.

  • Do the same procedure as above, but replacing the white vinegar with hydrogen peroxide.

  • Following the same procedure previously explained, after washing and drying the board, sprinkle the surface with baking soda and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then rinse well and dry with absorbent paper, and then store them vertically.


Cleaning and disinfecting cutting boards is a very simple practice, but essential in homes, because it prevents the presence and transmission of pathogens that can cause many diseases.





Foto por Arina Krasnikova

¡Hola amantes de los alimentos basados en plantas, dondequiera que estén en el mundo y/o la galaxia!

Aquí @sirenahippie

Dando continuidad a los posts educativos que hemos estado ofreciéndoles, hoy abordaremos un tema que puede parecer irrelevante, pero que tiene mucha importancia en lo que se refiere al higiene en la preparación de los alimentos, y es: LA LIMPIEZA DE LAS TABLAS DE CORTAR; ya que estos utensilios de cocina pueden convertirse en almacenes de bacterias, microbios, hongos, etc., por lo que se requiere limpiarlas muy bien una vez que las utilizamos.


Las tablas de cortar requieren mayor atención a la hora de ser limpiadas, ya que están en contacto directo con alimentos crudos y cocidos, por lo que en muchas ocasiones no sólo será suficiente lavarlas, sino también desinfectarlas. También es necesario tener varias tablas de corte, dependiendo de los alimentos que se depositan en ellas. En cada casa debe haber al menos dos tablas de picar, aunque el número ideal de tablas de corte es de 6 unidades, esto desde una perspectiva no vegana. Seguidamente expondremos cuál es esa dotación idónea (no vegana), ya que sabemos que muchos de nuestros usuarios y lectores no son veganos:

  • Una tabla de corte destinada a pasta, quesos, pan, tortas y similares.

  • Otra tabla solo para frutas y verduras.

  • Una tabla de corte para carnes blancas crudas (pollo, pavo, gallina, etc.).

  • Tabla de corte para pescados y mariscos (crudos).

  • Tabla para cortar carnes rojas crudas (ternera, cordero, cerdo, oveja, etc.)

  • Tabla para cortar carnes ya cocidas y embutidos o fiambres.



  • Lavar con abundante agua (si es agua caliente, mejor) y jabón. De ser posible, frotarlas con un cepillo. Secarlas muy bien con papel absorbente. Luego, pasar otro papel absorbente empapado en vinagre blanco, y dejar que actúe este ingrediente por 30 minutos. Otra forma es luego del lavado y secado, rociarlas con vinagre blanco, y dejarlo en la superficie de la tabla por el mismo período de tiempo. En ambos casos, transcurridos los 30 minutos, secar muy bien con otro papel absorbente, para luego guardarlas en posición vertical.

  • Hacer el mismo procedimiento anterior, pero sustituyendo el vinagre blanco por agua oxigenada.

  • Siguiendo el mismo procedimiento previamente explicado, luego de lavar y secar la tabla, espolvorear la superficie con bicarbonato de sodio y dejarlo actuar por 30 minutos. Luego enjuagar bien y secar con un papel absorbente, para luego guardarlas en forma vertical.


Limpiar y desinfectar las tablas de corte, es una práctica muy simple, pero indispensable en los hogares, porque así se evita la presencia y transmisión de patógenos que pueden ocasionar muchas enfermedades.






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thank you for the very useful information

Thank you for your kind comment. We hope this information is useful to you @indahayuu

Very useful information, thank you

Oh yes. You're welcome @beauty197

This is a very useful information. What do you think about washing the cutting board with salt.

Washing them with salt is also a good option, especially if you remove the residue first, and then cover it with salt, let it sit on the surface for 30 minutes and then wash it with plenty of clean water. It can also be placed in the sun to dry, @yummycruz1

Thank you so much for the information.

I clean It Daily and more than once because we use often the cutting board for bread. Thanks for the tips 🙂

It would be ideal if you have a separate board for bread, but in the meantime, you can wash it very well, every time you use it

Thanks so much for this vital information @plantpoweronhive. The best is to have many to enable us use according to recipes involved like you said

I have two in my kitchen and pays attention to washing with hot water, but having more will really help each an everyone of us.

Greetings community 🥰💕

As long as hygiene is maintained, everything is fine, but yes, it is ideal to have several boards in the kitchen

Thank you for all you do for us. Happy new week dear @sirenahippie 🥰💕

Thank you so much! Now I can sleep peacefully without feeling guilty about letting my cutting board become a 'playground' for germs. Maybe after this, my cutting board deserves a spa day too, to freshen up! Honestly, I’ve been planning to get a better, more hygienic cutting board, so I don’t keep stressing over it.

Wooden boards are good for cutting, of course, there are foods that are consumed raw, such as fruits, or others that are placed on the board to be cut and then consumed, such as bread, which require absolutely clean boards. It's good, as you say, that you give your board a spa day, and when you can, buy another one to have more alternatives.