My Actifit Report Card: June 18 2024

in Actifit18 days ago

Hello fellow Actifiters and good day to you all 😊

Today was a very busy day for me :) I woke up early today and start my day with a walk at our local wharf here. I wanted to enjoy the morning sea breeze to keep my stress levels low 🤣 I waited for the sun to rise. It didn't disappoint me though coz I saw it alright. It was such a hot day today but I have some business to attend to.

I went home, took a bath and readied the things that I need. I want to go to our Land Transportation Office coz I want to have my drivers license renewed 😁 Sadly for me coz I was about to set out, my mother called me up and told me to buy some bread for her and her workers. I was kinda pissed off. I was like "Really? ask me for something when I was clearly heading out early 🤣 So I quickly ran through the bakeshop to get her the bread so I can go off or else I would be late!

So I went to our LTO and no I didn't go on a bike today but I just commuted so that I wouldn't waste time. I've arrived at my destination but there's still one of thing I needed to do before going to have my drivers license renewed. I went to a clinic nearby the LTO to get a medical certificate as I need one in order to have my drivers license renewed. I thought it was gonna be easy but heck I was in que 🤣 I waited for 30 minutes in order to get my turn but it was quite fast though. It's just the long que... the medical examination itself was fast...

After that I went to the information officer at the LTO to ask what I needed to do in order to renew my drivers license. So he asked me if I already got all the requirements ready and I said yes. He checked all my documents and then proceeded to give me a form in which I filled up. He then told me to go to the next building in which the main process is going to be. I went there and as soon as I entered I was in for a big surprise 😅 the whole hall is almost filled up 😱 There were probably hundreds of people already there queuing up 😱 Although I know all of them probably isn't there for a drivers license renewal but still...

Anyways I waited in in line (yet again) for another 30 minutes only to be called and be told that I have to come back next Monday 😡 I was like what the heck? Apparently they have been giving out schedules to the people since there are too many to handle every single day. So the people who are here now was schedules a week, a month or even a few months ago 😳 I even heard someone he has been going back here for almost a year now 😂 Anyways when I got my chance he gave me a schedule for next Monday which is amazing if you ask me and that's just for the first process 🤣 When I come back on Monday he will once again give me another schedule to get my drivers license but that most likely be after a year 🤣.

Anyways I'm done there so I went home, well not really. I went by a Jollibee first to give my family some treats 😁 I bought them a burger streak and spaghetti since they all love that 😁 When I arrived home I took a break and I little nap as I was stressed back there 😅 When I woke up in the afternoon I still has time so I decided to go for a walk in our wharf once again. With that concludes my activities for today guys. Till next time!
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Water Bottle - L2
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+ 35 AFIT
Water Bottle - L5
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