Hi Folks!
Nature is waking up very fast - now in Poland is a great time to go outdoor and feel the real magic of spring and to see all the changes. It will be over 20 degree Celsius during the weekend so I think that one more week and the leaves will explode.
I prefer this early spring time much more then the summer.
During my latest walk I found some mushrooms - I took a pictures of the most interesting ones.
First one is called Gyromitra esculenta - non-edible mushroom which look like a brown brain ;). Very characteristic, can be found in open areas by the forest, very often on forest clearing areas and forest cultivation areas.
Second shot shows something really small and with beautiful light-orange color.
Not sure what is it, so I won't guess... If You know maybe - let me know :).
On the third picture - probably Exidia saccharina... common species, can be found on a dead wood near the ground. Non-edible.
Looks interesting - brown, transparent, Haribo-like structure ;).
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