[Eng+Spa] Pool Day + Día de la Piscina

This Tuesday it is raining, the rain is really intermittent, that has made me run during the morning to get as much work as possible before the electricity failed. Good luck it's now in the afternoon and I have power, so I'm writing up the log for the day, I'm trying to heed my brother's recommendation to do the log before I get down to responding to most of the comments or stop by to review the #blogs that I follow, to make comments and vote for them. Anyway, my #life is going well, in general terms, and I would like it to continue that way.

Being that there is not much more to talk about my day, in personal aspects, I am going to comment on the ephemeris of #History that I saw in today's list and that caught my attention, it is a building which is associated with #watersports, which has a very ancient history and which, with the revival of the Olympics in the 19th century, gained new popularity. Today is 'Pool Day'.

Este martes llueve, de verdad que la lluvia está intermitente, eso me ha hecho correr durante la mañana para sacar todo el trabajo que se pueda antes de que la electricidad fallara. Por buena suerte, ahora estamos en la tarde y tengo electricidad, así que estoy redactando el registro del día, estoy tratando de hacer caso de la recomendación de mi hermano de hacer el registro antes de ponerme a responder la mayor parte de los comentarios o de pasar a revisar los blogs que sigo, para hacerles comentarios y votarlos. En fin, que mi #vida va bien, en líneas generales, y me gustaría que siguiera de ese modo.

Siendo que no hay mucho más que contar sobre mi día, en los aspectos personales, voy a pasar a comentar sobre la efeméride de la #Historia que vi en el listado del día de hoy y que me llamó la atención, se trata de una edificación que está asociada a los #deportes acuáticos, que tiene una muy antigua historia y que, con el renacimiento de las Olimpiadas en el siglo XIX, cobraron una nueva popularidad. Hoy es el ‘Día de la Piscina’.


Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

At first, when one thinks of #buildings, one thinks of things that are built above the ground and rises, but it happens that (after all) a building is by definition #constructions made artificially by the human being. Well, the human is not the only being in this world that builds things and modifies its environment, but you know that we are anthropocentrists (personal laugh).

Going through the history, I found out that the celebration was established from 2016, so it's very recent, but I was surprised, after all, swimming pools became relatively popular in the West since the 19th century, and if we search its origin, we can find records of more than 3000 years old.

En un inicio, cuando uno piensa en #edificaciones, se pone a pensar en cosas que se construyen por encima del suelo y se eleva, pero sucede que (a fin de cuentas) una edificación es por definición #construcciones realizadas artificialmente por el ser humano. Bien, el humano no es el único ser de este mundo que construye cosas y modifica su ambiente, pero ya sabes que somos antropocentristas (risa personal).

Al revisar la historia, me enteré de que la celebración se estableció a partir de 2016, así que es muy reciente, pero me sorprendí, después de todo, las piscinas se convirtieron en algo relativamente popular en occidente desde el siglo XIX, y si buscamos su origen, nos podemos encontrar con registros de más de 3000 años de antigüedad.


Indoor Roman #Pool + #Piscina Romana Bajo Techo
Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Well, #swimming is something very old, you can swim in lakes, in the sea or in rivers, without having to build anything in particular, but building something begins the history of swimming pools. In this regard, there is archaeological evidence that as early as the 4th century, in Sri Lanka, at least two pools were built as part of a royal palace complex. Long before that, in 3000 BC (Yes, it is a date 5000 years away from our present), according to the remains found in archaeological investigations, a swimming pool was built in Mohenjo-Daro (in what would be presently Pakistan) approximately 13x7 meters, with a lining of fired bricks and sealed with a kind of pitch, or natural tar, extracted from surface sources, such as that used to caulk boats.

I suppose I could go on about ancient history, about the open-air and indoor #swimming pools, of the Greeks and Romans, which are the root of the Western culture in which he lived, but really, that would exceed the length that I usually use for posts. So, let's do a strong ellipsis, spanning several centuries, and get to the 19th century. It is then that the idea of the Olympic Games is revived, as a competitive #sporting event between representatives of different countries, unlike the Ancient Olympic Games, its modern version lacks the religious aspect and worship of the gods, but tries to maintain the idea of rituals to be fulfilled (or ceremonial) and exaltation of successful athletes.

Bien, el #nadar es algo muy antiguo, se puede nadar en lagos, en el mar o en ríos, sin necesidad de construir nada en particular, pero al construir algo se da inicio a la historia de las piscinas. En cuanto a esto, se tiene evidencia arqueológica de que ya en el siglo IV en Sri Lanka se construyeron al menos dos piscinas, como parte de un complejo de un palacio real. Mucho antes de eso, en el 3000 aC (Sí, es una fecha a 5000 años de distancia de nuestro presente), según los restos encontrados en investigaciones arqueológicas, se construyó en Mohenjo-Daro (en lo que sería actualmente Pakistán), una piscina de aproximadamente 13x7 metros, con un revestimiento de ladrillos cocidos y sellado con una especie de brea, o alquitrán natural, extraído de fuentes superficiales, como el que se usaba para calafatear embarcaciones.

Supongo que podría seguir hablando sobre la historia antigua, sobre las piscinas construidas a cielo abierto y las construidas bajo techo, de griegos y romanos, que son la raíz ce la cultura occidental en la que vivió, pero de verdad que eso excedería el largo que suelo usar para las publicaciones. Así que, hagamos una fuerte elipsis, de varios siglos, y lleguemos al siglo XIX. Es entonces cuando se revive la idea de los Juegos Olímpicos, como un encuentro deportivo competitivo entre representantes de distintos países, a diferencia de los Juegos Olímpicos Antiguos, su versión moderna carece del aspecto religioso y de adoración a los dioses, pero trata de mantener la idea de rituales a cumplir (o ceremonial) y enaltecimiento a los atletas triunfadores.


#Olympian Swimming pool + Piscina #Olimpica
Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Personally, I did not learn to #swim, I really wanted to learn on several occasions in my life, but I did not dedicate the time to practice, that is something that I think should be corrected in the future, after all, the swimming has many health benefits if practiced according to age, and from what I have learned, it is quite a relaxing activity. So that detail of my own lack was what made this anniversary call my attention (personal smile). Well, I've already been talking a lot, I better say goodbye, hoping that you are well and that we can read each other again another time.

En lo personal, yo no aprendí a nadar, me dieron muchas ganas de aprender en varias oportunidades de mi vida, pero no le dediqué el tiempo para practicar, eso es algo que me parece que debería corregir en un futuro, después de todo, la natación tiene muchos beneficios para la salud si se practica de acuerdo a la edad, y por lo que he sabido, es una actividad bastante relajante. Así que ese detalle de mi propia carencia fue lo que hizo que me llamara la atención esta efeméride (sonrisa personal). Bien, ya he estado hablando mucho, será mejor que me despida, deseando que tú estés bien y que nos podamos leer de nuevo en otra oportunidad.



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This challenge is an initiative of @flaxz
The 4 points to join the #IAmAliveChallenge, includes using the hashtag #alive to post to We Are Alive Tribe and earn ALIVE tokens.

Esta publicación, en la #blockchain #Hive, está en la comunidad We Are Alive Tribe, es parte del #IAmAliveChallenge

Este desafío es iniciativa de @flaxz
Los 4 puntos para unirte al #IAmAliveChallenge, incluyen el uso de la etiqueta #alive para publicar en We Are Alive Tribe y ganar tokens ALIVE.


Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( hafiz34 ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

Thanks for sharing information about his interesting day. Glad to know the ancient history as well.

I would request you to add the date in your text (e.g. 11th July is pool day I guess). Sometimes, it gets difficult to find the date from Google search.


!Gif Thanks for the suggestion

In truth, I had not thought about that detail of specifying the date, since I assume that it corresponds to the day of publication, but you are right that it is much clearer (and with less possibility of error) if I added that information.


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Swimming Pool Day. Yep, I've never heard of it before your post...😂 I appreciate the background and history that you share on swimming pools! Quite interesting indeed! It's never to late to learn to swim! I've been swimming since I was a child, and I love it! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

!Gif Thank you for reading

I like to try to investigate the celebrations of each day to share it.

Learning to swim is one of the things I've always left for later, and now that I have more gray hair than black hair in my head, I haven't started learning yet :) Anyway, it's something pending.


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You're always very welcome, @pedrobrito2004, most definitely! I appreciate your investigations! I've done that with a few things, putting them off to later, and yep, they tend not to get done, unless I decide to make them happen. I hope that you do learn at some point. It's worth it! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


My Mom met my Dad when he came in for an Xray.
I still wonder what she saw in him.

Credit: reddit
@pedrobrito2004, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of tydynrain


Awesome buddy it is always great to grab a historical lesson from one of my favourite Venezuelans have a fantastic one bro good luck with the power battles.
@pedrobrito2004 😎
I will be including this content on the @heartbeatonhive curation collection

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Thanks for commenting and for the good wishes. In these records of the day I try to contribute something that seems interesting to me, and I really enjoy doing research on things from History :)
!GIF nice comment!

@heartbeatonhive! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @pedrobrito2004. (5/10)

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Dogs can't see your bones.
But CAT scan.

Credit: marshmellowman
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I always learn something from your posts great job mate
@pedrobrito2004 😎
As an extra reward for spotlighting on @heartbeatonhive here are some tips have a blessed and wonderful day
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Thanks for reading and sharing the post.

In general, I enjoy researching things, and like to add a summary of the information I get to day-to-day log posts. So it gives me some pleasure that the post is well received.

!GIF Thanks a lot!

@benthomaswwd! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @pedrobrito2004. (8/10)

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I spent my afternoon at the swiming pool 🏊‍♂️ 😀

@pedrobrito2004! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @chapelle. (7/20)

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That's quite a coincidence, it was swimming pools day, and you were in a pool. I guess that counts as celebrating the day properly 😃👍

@chapelle! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @pedrobrito2004. (9/10)

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La vista de la piscina romana es impresionante, esperaba que lucieran bien, pero en verdad es algo muy elegante.

De verdad que esta gente hacia unos trabajos impresionantes :)

!Gif Nice swimming pool

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Interesting special day sharing yet again. Thank you Pedro for sharing!

!Gif You're welcome!

@vaynard86! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @pedrobrito2004. (5/10)

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That is a shame that you did not learn to swim, it is a great thing to go for a refreshing swim in the summertime.

Certainly, I've heard that in summer, swimming pools are almost a must-see :)
In my case, I live in the tropics, so I have a relatively warm climate all year round, just separated into rainy months and dry months.
Even so, it's still a shame that I didn't learn to swim, and it's a pending task, even if I have to learn when I'm old :)

@mypathtofire! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @pedrobrito2004. (8/10)

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Thanks a lot for those swimming history, it's a pity you can't swim, @pedrobrito2004 swimming is fun.

!Gif You're welcome!


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!Gif Thanks a lot!

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