{<Discover a Song>} and Rising Star: Card Recommendations, Prices, statistics. 10/1/2025

in Rising Star Game7 days ago

Hello friends, Friday is here and the weekend is just around the corner, so I hope you are having a great time. You know what some say, Friday is the happiest day of the week, as most people stop working to take a break and there is also the usual one where students finish a week of school. In my case, I have returned to bring you a new post. Today I bring you 2 recommendations, the first one will be about a song that I would like to talk to you about a little bit. And of course, as always, I cannot miss my well-known recommendation of letters for today, I can already tell you that there are some very good letters. With this in mind, we begin today's post.


Image created by me in canva

Well, as usual, we start first with the song I want you to discover today. In this case, unlike in the past days, I bring you a song in Spanish. But don't be scared by the language because the song is very nice and I'm sure you'll like it. First of all, I'll tell you that this song is very well known, it's not just another one of the bunch, in fact you could say that it's the best of all the band's songs. I'm talking about the song Perdón, Perdón by the Mexican band Ha-Ash. Have you heard it yet? Maybe so, because here in the community there are several from Latin America and Spain, so you may have already heard it at some point. I'm sure you'll agree with me that it's great.

You know this song is not new, it's been on the market for a few years now. It was released in 2014 and it's been 11 years and counting since it came out. In all this time it hasn't lost popularity because if you look at the views on the different pages where the song is, they continually go up. I think that's just a sign that it's still strong, as we say here. I'll translate it for you, we say that phrase when a song, despite being old, is still heard a lot, that is, it's popular.

In my case, I heard it for the first time thanks to my cousin. She was, or rather, I should say is, a fan of this band. And well, the thing is that when she came to visit me at home, she would play the song on her phone. One day she played it and I liked it. That's how I discovered the song. It's not the first time I've discovered a song in this curious way, in fact, I've discovered several of the ones I've mentioned in other posts this way. It's even a little funny now that I think about it. The song "Perdón, Perdón" already gives you a clue of what its content is about just by looking at the title. It's about someone who finally has the courage to say enough to a "relationship" that we could say is toxic because the other person failed, I'll leave the meaning of "failed" to your discretion😂.

In addition to that, the 2 singers, yes, because there are 2 I hadn't told you so, tell us that there are things that don't deserve more time or energy on our part. As is the case with a relationship, but there may be other aspects, I will tell you some later. What you have to have as the main idea is that the singers who just form a single protagonist sing about forgiveness, but for both parties and in a context that is not the one they think, that is why it is curious to me. They ask forgiveness from that other person for having given them their time and love without deserving it. And they ask forgiveness for not having left them before the relationship reached that point. I know that this meaning is a bit convoluted, but you will see that it makes sense when you translate the lyrics into your native language or listen to the song with subtitles.

As always, I like to apply the message in other contexts and in this case it is very easy to do so because the song can be interpreted in various ways, it does not necessarily have to be the love that can sound like a worn-out song. For example, I like to apply it to our own mistakes, but as I say, it is my interpretation. I was talking about the times when one gets, as I say, “stuck” with one’s mistakes, mainly those of the past. It can be anything, like that job that didn’t work out and you spent many years on it without achieving anything, or something simple like that argument that went wrong. It’s anything that is a mistake. The message is that forgiveness is also necessary for us.

I say this because one is always used to others or society telling you that you have to forgive others, but yourself? Many do not see it that way and well they carry that “burden” we could say. As the lyrics say, it is better to ask for forgiveness from oneself and free yourself from part of the weight, just like the 2 singers do in the lyrics. You know, I personally believe that we are our worst judges. Yes, because sometimes we have a harder time forgiving ourselves, even our own faults. That is why I think it is good that the song raises a little “awareness” you could say about the subject.

Obviously they could stay on the literal subject of the song, which is romanticism. But I do not like to stay on the surface. I have already said it on other occasions, I consider myself a fan of music in general and that is why I always like to get everything I can out of it. Sometimes I visit pages where fans of singers leave theories and things like that, all looking to get more context about a song. I know, that must be a bit funny, but that is how I am. 😅

So I'll leave the video of the song below for you to watch for yourself. If you don't know Spanish, you can translate the lyrics to better understand the context of the song. That said, let's finish this session. Don't forget to watch the card recommendation for today below the video.

Rising Star: Card Recommendations, Prices, statistics. 10/1/2025

Today I will present to you From cards that boost your fans to those that improve your Luck and Skill. I will also cover all the stats needed for each music lesson, such as: singing, guitar, Drums, Piano, Orchestra and Production.

It is important to remember that while this publication will offer you a useful guide, you should not take it as an absolute guide. The dynamics of the game can change quickly, and it is always advisable to do your own research and analysis before making important decisions.

Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this publication and that you find the recommendations useful to improve your experience in Rising Star.


It's always exciting to add new fans in Rising Star to elevate your music career to new heights. Whether you are a newcomer or a veteran in the game, finding fans is a crucial part of our success in the game. Well here are the most recommended cards to increase your fan base, updated.

First of all we have R273 Melanie. At this moment this card is one of the most profitable cards to increase fans quickly, because its price is 72 starbits/ per fan. In total the card costs: 9k starbits. Among the features it offers are: 125 Fans, 100 Skill, 3 Luck and 2 IM.

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Well now it's time for the luck card recommendations. As I'm sure you know luck is the one that allows you to get more drunk fans and get extra profits at certain times. Well here are the most recommended cards of the day.

The most recommended card to increase luck at this moment is: R581 Burmese Xylophone. This card has a price in the game market of 17 starbits per luck. The card costs in total 851 starbits. Which certainly makes it the best choice. This card offers you 50 luck.

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Now it's time to see the best cards that give us skill. The skill allows us to fight the ego generated by doing missions in the game or buying fans in the market, as well as the drunks. Well, let's see the cards:

At this time the most recommended card to increase the skill at the best price is: R571 MC Jada Rapper, as it has a price of 55.5 starbits per skill. The card costs a total of 10005 starbits. Among its features it offers: 180 skill, 45 fans, 4 luck and 3 IM.

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Music Lessons

As we all know with the music lessons we gain skill and then with that skill we fight the ego. Well for that we need instruments for each lesson, as is the case of singing, guitars, drums and many more. In this section I am going to show you the best card based on its price for each specific skill.

Singing Instruments:

For singing lessons the most recommended is: R330 RSD19 Vintage. This card costs the equivalent of 24.8 starbits per luck. The total cost of the card is: 1249 starbits. Among its features it offers 50 luck per card.

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Guitar lessons.

In the case of guitar lessons, the best card is: R598 One String Bass. This card costs the equivalent of 20.5 starbits per luck. The total cost of the card is: 1025 Starbits. Gives you: 50 Luck

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Drum Lessons:

For drum lessons the best card is: R596 Egyptian Darbuka. This card costs the equivalent of 52.4 starbits per luck. The card costs in total: 2620 starbits and gives you 50 luck.

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Production Lessons:

The best card for production lessons is: R580 JJ Limiter. This card currently costs: 39.5 starbits per luck. The total cost of the card is 1976 starbits. And it offers you: 50 Luck.

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Keyboard Lessons:

For Keyboard Lessons the best card is: R584 RS Goldie. This card costs 28.7 starbits per luck. The card costs in total: 1436 starbits. It gives you: 50 Luck.

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Orchestra Lessons

The best card for orchestra lessons is: R581 Burmese Xylophone. It costs at the moment the equivalent of: 17 starbits per luck. The card costs in total 851 starbits. And it offers you: 50 Luck.

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Well friends this is the publication of today 10/1/2025, I hope you find it useful. As always I remind you that I am open to suggestions for future publications, and thus improve the statistics. See you in a new publication. Have a nice day.

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