I generally have a sweet tooth and although there is a general campaign against sugar, I have decided to take the contrarian position and embrace sugar. I cannot part with its sweetness and can often be found scoffing a bar of chocolate or two of an evening.
My sugar addiction was not helped by my health guru proclaiming that sugar is plant-based and you can eat as much as you want. I took him up on his words and threw extra large spoonfuls of sugar into my porridge.
Despite my sweet tooth, my love of cake was waining. Those soft spongy cakes with their enticing creamy centers looked so fantastic but were often too sweet to enjoy. The creamy dairy part could leave a bad taste in your mouth as though you were suckling directly from a cow.
My allergies to dairy made consuming a creamy cake akin to eating a trojan horse. Once I had devoured its sweat creamy goodness it would unleash havoc on me, leaving me at its mercy and waiting for the effects to wear off.
That is when I discovered the power of almond milk. I urged my wife to try it when making the cakes next time and it brought cakes back to life for me. The chocolate cake now had a sweet almond creamy taste and another layer of chocolatey cream which made it all taste so good.
What made the birthday cake even more memorable was that I had a piece with the superman sign on! My love for cake revived and superman made this a very special day for me.
How long have I been with Hive?
My name is Steve and I am with Hive for just over 7 months now. This is my first post in the Scholar and Scribe community.
I have only attempted to write some fiction with my time on Hive in the Inkwell community a couple of times and the Weekend Engagement.
I am looking forward to the next 3 weeks' challenge and see how I and others can put together a 3 piece fiction piece!! What am I looking forward to seeing is how the many different writers approach the topic and what creativity they will show.
Photos are my own