5 minute freewrite Thursday prompt without corn, there is no country

in Freewriters2 years ago

image.pngThis is my post for #freewriters Thursday prompt without corn, there is no country hosted by @mariannewest

I have been on the blockchain for 3 years now. Even though I know more than I knew when I first started, I still have so much to learn. There is so much to learn that I do not even know where to begin. But I will start with the thing that I am struggling with at the moment. Which is burning, the word is all I know about it. I tried to google it by typing in how to burn on Hive, and all that I could find was how to burn a bee hive. That is just wrong, no one should burn a bee hive.

@flaxz told me this You promote your post in our tribe interface, on wearealiveand.social there is a Promote button if your scroll down. he might as well have told me that without corn, there is no country. I am as lost on his reply as I am on how to write about this prompt.

I do not know why I have such a hard time figuring out how to do things on Hive. My brain just does not get it. Maybe when you get to a certain age, your head gets so full of useless shit that there is no room for new things. We need a recycling bin in our heads where we can send all of the things that we no longer use but do not want to fully get rid of.
photo is mine


Where did you get the shirt? I need one! I haven't been paying attention to HIVE merchandise.

I wish I could help you, I can't remember the site I got it from but I saw it here on Hive they were having a sale, I think 20% off but I have had it for a couple of months. Sorry.

The site may be Hivelist ... I remember there being some Hive merch on there...

I am thinking that sounds familiar, you might be right.


thank you @eii

Thank you for burning ALIVE tokens and supporting the We Are Alive Tribe, you have earned 7 tickets for our weekly ALIVE Burning Contest.


Made in Canva

@mypathtofire - Alive Chat Fire Master on @alive.chat

@myjob! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @aliveprojects. (4/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

thank you @aliveprojects

Did you hear about the cowardly pigeon?
He lacked COO-rage.

Credit: reddit
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