I don't know how we managed to see these little ¨Ganoderma¨ [Esp/Eng].

in FungiFriday18 days ago
Ustedes no se imaginan lo feliz que soy al visitar esta hermosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  y darles a conocer a todos, las diferentes especies de hongos que encontramos en esta excepcional reserva natural que tenemos cerca de casa. Cuando se trata de salir en busca de hongos, el predio siempre será la mejor opción

Source: Family Álbum

You can't imagine how happy I am to visit this beautiful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  and introduce everyone to the different species of mushrooms that we find in this exceptional nature reserve that we have close to home. When it comes to going out in search of mushrooms, the farm will always be the best option

Es una pena que no tengamos otro lugar para in en busca de hongos como esta reserva, aunque tengo que decir que no importa cuantas veces vamos con mis abuelos, siempre descubrimos hongos muy interesantes para compartir con todos los apasionados de los níscalos

It's a shame we don't have another place to go in search of mushrooms like this reserve, although I have to say that no matter how many times we go with my grandparents, we always discover very interesting mushrooms to share with all the passionate about chanterelles

Source: Family Álbum

No es que me haya vuelto una experta en hongos, pero en este corto tiempo he aprendido a reconocer y recordar a muchos de los hongos que hallamos en el predio, en otra oportunidad a este hongo lo hubiera llamado hongo ¨tipo¨¨repisa¨, sin embargo hoy lo puedo identificar correctamente, y cuyo nombre es ¨Ganoderma¨: Es increíble que lo hayamos visto, dado que es muy pequeño, en realidad ha sido mi abuela quien la vio

It's not that I've become an expert on mushrooms, but in this short time I've learned to recognize and remember many of the mushrooms we found on the property. On another occasion I would have called this mushroom a "ledge-type" mushroom, however today I can correctly identify it, and its name is ¨Ganoderma¨: It's incredible that we saw it, given that it's very small, it's actually been my grandmother who saw it

Source: Family Álbum

Este es otro de los tantos hongos que he aprendido a identificarlo, ya que cada semana que visitamos la reserva damos en ellos, sin dudas ustedes también lo conocen, y sabrán identificarlos fácilmente. Este tipo de hogos se los conoce con el nombre ¨oreja-de-Judas¨:  Para aquellos que deseen saber, les comento que es uno de esos hongos que puedes llevarlos a tu casa para preparar una exquisita comida con ellos, y si buscan en la web podrán hallar cientos de recetas

This is another of the many mushrooms that I have learned to identify, since every week that we visit the reserve we find them, no doubt you also know it, and you will be able to identify them easily. These types of mushrooms are known by the name ¨Judas-ear¨:  For those who want to know, I tell you that it is one of those mushrooms that you can take home to prepare an exquisite meal with them, and if you search on the web you can find hundreds of recipes

Source: Family Álbum

Esta ha sido otra genial semana para buscar hongos, ya que dimos con dos especies muy hermosas, y ambas especies se desarrollan en la superficie de madera, una de ellas es comestible, y la otra especie es buscado por su ¨poder¨¨curativo¨. Me encanta tener fotografías hermosas de hongos para participar del ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   de @ewkaw; y gracias a mi abuela que tomo su ¨teléfono-móvil¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ para hacer estas tomas

This has been another great week for mushroom hunting, as we found two very beautiful species, and both species grow on the surface of wood, one of them is edible, and the other species is sought after for its ¨healing¨ power. I love having beautiful photographs of mushrooms to participate in the ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   by @ewkaw; and thanks to my grandmother who took her ¨mobile phone¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ to take these photos


Source: Family Álbum


You really have discovered a beautiful fungi. I don't know whether they are edible or not but they look beautiful. :)

Hello Mr. @untilwelearn, good day
It has been a beautiful day to look for mushrooms, we found several beautiful species, the Judas ears mushroom is edible
Thank you very much for appreciating my post

It would be nice if we had a place like this, but we have to admit that we always find beautiful species of mushrooms, the ones you have found are beautiful.

That would be great, but we can't complain about this reserve, it's beautiful and there are always mushrooms to photograph.

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much ewkaw @qurator for all the support to my post

Hoy me han impactado las formas de los hongos, algunos parecen ollas o cosas de cocina, siempre veo cosas raras jajaja abrazo @miprimerconcurso 😃

las formas que a veces tomas los hongos son realmente hermosos
Muchas gracias @avdesing

A vos!🤗