Advice to my Past Self? 🙄🤔 || LOH #191 [Esp-Eng]

in Ladies of Hive10 days ago

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Hola hola amigas de la colmena, feliz martes, por acá de mucha lluvia, y miren que hacia bastante falta, pero para serles honesta este clima me da una flojera gigantesca, sin embargo aun así sigo activa en mis cosas!! Espero que ustedes anden con mas energia 😂😂

Hello hello friends of the hive, happy Tuesday, here of a lot of rain, and look that was quite missing, but to be honest this weather gives me a giant laziness, however even so I'm still active in my stuff!!! I hope you are feeling more energetic 😂😂😂


Pero bueno a lo que vine, hoy unas propuestas bastante interesante como siempre, en esta oportunidad elegí esta 👇👇

But well to what I came, today some proposals quite interesting as always, this time I chose this 👇👇.



1️⃣ Si tuvieras la oportunidad de ofrecer orientación y sabiduría a tu yo más joven, ¿qué ideas o recomendaciones compartirías? || If you had the opportunity to offer guidance and wisdom to your younger self, what insights or recommendations would you share?

Yo creo que todos en algun momento hemos queria volver al pasado y decirnos y hacer algunas cosas 😂 bueno en mi caso ha sido asi muchas veces de hecho, lamentablemente no se puede ni se podra jeje, pero en el caso hipotetico de que hoy si se pueda, me encantaria primeramente decirme que comience a asistir a terapia, que le baje 3 al estres, que el futuro llegará si o si, pero que si le bajo 3, mi salud me lo agradecerá enormemente.

I believe that all of us at some point have wanted to go back to the past and tell ourselves and do some things 😂 well in my case it has been like that many times in fact, unfortunately it is not possible nor will it be possible hehe, but in the hypothetical case that today if it is possible, I would love first of all to tell me to start attending therapy, to reduce my stress by 3, that the future will come if or if, but if I reduce it by 3, my health will thank me enormously.


Eso a nivel emocional, porque de verdad estoy viviendo las consecuencia de no ir un dia a la vez. Por supuesto adicional a eso me diria que cambie de carrera porque al final no la voy a terminar aun cuando me faltaba poquito, me daria cuenta que en definitiva no es lo mio, y la situacion pais iba a ser la excusa perfecta para abandonar, me diria que elija algo que realmente me apasione a mi, y no simplemente porque mi prima tiene una empresa y ahi me podia dar empleo y bla bla.

This on an emotional level, because I am really living the consequences of not going one day at a time. Of course in addition to that I would tell myself to change my career because in the end I am not going to finish it even though I was just a little bit away, I would realize that in the end it is not my thing, and the country situation would be the perfect excuse to give up, I would tell myself to choose something that I am really passionate about, and not just because my cousin has a company and there I could get a job and blah blah blah.



Y por ultimo, me diria que COMPRE DOLARES😂😂 Y aun parezca chiste, yo me diria que compre dolares porque sin duda la Milagros del Futuro los va a necesitar 😂.

And lastly, I would tell myself to BUY DOLLARS😂😂 And even if it seems like a joke, I would tell myself to buy dollars because without a doubt the Miracle of the Future is going to need them 😂.





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La verdad que todos quisiéramos volver al pasado para reparar una que otra cosita por ahí y creo que las tuyas son bastante validas.
Vamos a soltar un poco porque estamos en un momento en que el estrés no aporta nada bueno a nuestras vidas.
Te mando abrazos

Si amii, toca :/ un abrazote para ti

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Very valuable and insightful thoughts and pieces of advice. Yes, we never look after our stress and often ignore thinking nothing gonna happen and we just move forward without paying attention to it. Saving is great advice, I would have told my younger self the same...

Thank you for the post and good luck...

Jaja apoyo eso de los dólares 😄. Así es amiga, todos quisiéramos combinar cositas del pasado, pero también hay que ver qué eso es lo que nos convirtió en lo que somos y pensamos hoy. Pero bueno, si existiera una máquina del tiempo 😄

For myself I tend to put my savings into Gold and Silver when I save enough over the last 9 years rather than USD or my native CAD. The USD has been very inflationary for the last several years in turn triggering high inflation world wide. It relatively appearing to perform better than most currencies including my native CAD. With the US having fiscal and economic problems I am expecting a decline. Doing my research.

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