The Unplugged Phase: A Way Out "Not From Experience"

in Digital Lifestyle12 days ago

Okay, so I've thought long and hard for a time I've had to give up my phone or PC time because of whatever reason on the prompt but I couldn't think of any that I really did. If my phone isn't available, my pc will be and if not, a TV is somewhere waiting for me to turn on a channel while I find a way to access a phone.

I mean, this is after I've gotten used to my devices and being online. More than six years ago, I could do almost anything without phone or PC but with a little help from dad's old TV to pass some boring time. Being entertained by music or movies were my favourite fun growing up so our old TV was my go-to device.


I got online, started a life there and since then, I can't seem to imagine myself not being connected to the online world whenever I want to. I know many would call it an addiction, even I call it same but somehow, I am learning to keep it in check and understand life outside the online world as it is supposed to be.

I can remember many years ago, I enjoyed reading so much that I could go without eating just to finish a storybook. When I'm not reading a storybook, I'm writing one to read to my siblings or make them read it. Trust me, I was very busy and too busy for whatever it is I would have done online. I can still remember the joy I had doing that, how did all that change?

Let's just keep that aside... It has changed, so what's the way out if this change gets a pause? from Google site

A little confession, this was what I had to do before I could answer the prompt question... Ask Google once again, some questions I can't answer myself.

Honestly, I didn't expect I'll find anything I could enjoy to do without my devices because even Travelling that I enjoy doing, I'll need my phone to play music while I do that. Some cooking I do especially for the first time, I'll need my phone to check out for good recipes.

But surprisingly, Google had more than 91 things suggested for me to do without my devices. I went through them and my mind actually could picture myself doing a lot of them if I get a pause with my devices. Of course, I'll keep finding ways to go back online with my devices but until that happens, these things are doable.

Well, it goes without saying that I'll get to sleep early, do more clean ups, cook more, let my mind wander a lot of course, be around friends more, watch people sometimes and take strolls more often just so I don't always stay indoors.


Highlighting the "A long time" from the prompt, I'll need a stronger back up for such a long time without my devices. I'll need something I can benefit from and would be helpful to me when I'll get access to my phone again. After a bit of a thought and going through the list, I'm sure enough about two actions that will play out for me.

Go back to reading/writing books: It's some thing I enjoyed doing growing up even though I am no professional with it. I believe I'll find fun in doing it again after the sort of long break from them. I may not do this for the sake of earning money but I'll definitely grow mentally as I would have a focus on the kinds of book to read but write just any kind of books for fun.

Learn a new skill (musical instrument or art drawing): I must learn one from these, why? I'm interested in music and I love arts. I'm not great at drawing but I do have the hand and mind for it from my experience. If I would learn a musical instrument, it would be a piano as I've had love for it whenever I see anyone playing it.

And that's it, my way out when I get unplugged from my devices for a long time. And yeah, there's no experience of it yet so you can choose not to believe I'll do any of that when it happens lol.

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It's funny that when you are not with your device or electricity, your brain will know how to kill the boredom or maybe sleep😂 but jokes aside, when you get to that stage ideas will come.

Imagine you are unplugged totally and suddenly, and you don't even have a phone to Google search what to do.

Haha I didn't even think that, maybe I'll have to ask people around what they would do if they are unplugged 😅

Lol, maybe

It's actually wild how we now can't think of much to do without of our phones. Well, Google can't through for you. Will you be trying a 24-hour digital detox soon? We appreciate the effort with your entry.

Valued by Digital Lifestyle Hub.png

I can't promise 24 hours yet but maybe half a 12-hour 😅
Thanks for stopping by.

Not me feeling weird because I don’t need music when I’m traveling. Whether long or short journeys, I just count tries and connect the clouds…please don’t ask me how🏃‍♀️

More than 91 things to do without your phone? Woah that’s interesting. But if you were to learn the piano,wouldn’t you need your phone?

Lol me I want to ask how o
Show me how to connect clouds 😂

I'll sign up for an offline piano class, that shouldn't require my phone I think lol.

I have seen things to do without having to involve my phone. Thanks for sharing.

Haha you're welcome