Hello Amigos.
[Image created by me with LightX]
Welcome to my day 42 post of my hunt for Larry the postman.
Completing Larry is alive task in three locations went smoothly.
I even won ctp at Ctpx woohoo.
I love when I see that, especially when I never expected it.
The hunt started at Ctpx of course, because I am beginning to love here.
Screenshot below is prove of completing Larry is alive task at Ctpx.
From their I decided to take a small break, before I got a happy birthday wish in advance from a friend.
It came early, I never expected that too.
Well, after smiling sheepishly.
I logged in to Listnerds and completed the task.
Screenshot below is prove of completing Larry is alive task at Listnerds.
My last stop is at Leadsleap.
It surprised me here too when I completed the task so quick.
Below screenshot is prove of completing Larry is alive task at leadsleap.
Then I rested for a while before writing this 😊
I can't miss participating in today's alive chat, which is all completing Larry the postman task.
Thank you very much for stopping by my blog.
Hope to see you around next time.
Do enjoy the rest of your day 😗