Happy #thankfulThursday to all! ✨ It's the third out of five Thursdays in November. Are you aware that there are two weeks left in this month? 😱 Changes are coming on the home front. I'll post some updates soon.
I'm thankful every day, but I do make it a point to be extra grateful on this day of the week. Just because... 😄
Malls here are heavily decorated with everything Christmas. I'm finally down at the atrium (photos I shared yesterday). I found a seat facing this Christmas tree and waited for my daughter as she went to buy our groceries. Stalls that sell different food and gift items were around me.
I would have enjoyed walking around but that's not quite possible these days. I have a maximum limit of around three thousand steps and I'm fully low batt and need to rest. 😔 It's no fun to be me. Boohoo! It is what it is though. I just make the most of what I can. There are still lots to be thankful for though. 🙏
Onwards to my #LarryIsAlive quest...
Daily goal has been completed for the challenge. A-ha! I got to 84% on the weekly one; almost halfway for the monthly one. Looks good and it's possible to complete the weekly goal by end of Saturday. I have not been able to claim any LN or CTP tokens on the site. I do wonder when it will ever be fixed. 🤔
>>> What's new? : Check out CTPX
Completed my daily 30 pages surf on CTPX. No win today but got lucky 🍀 for two days so that's not bad. Teehee.
Done my daily surf and convert on LL. I've reached half of the payout limit. Just gotta keep going to cash out again. I've surfed half for tomorrow.
First stop daily, TAB surfed pages completed for the daily challenge.
I've reached 935 reward points on FAFY. Just a day or so to complete my target. Then, I can lessen my activities.
Infinity Traffic Boost
I've completed five shares again today. That way, I don't spend all my time on the pc. I need to rest my arms and do more arm exercises.
A-ha! I think I forgot to resize all my screenshots. 🤣 All righty, that's it for today's quest. Tomorrow is another day. Thankfully, it will be FriYAY already 🙌 See you on my next AliveChat meets #LarryIsAlive post. Nighty night from Manila. Do enjoy your day! Ta-tah! 👋
credits for the new signature : @stdd
My books are now available:
Never Bother
Don't You Cry No More
DYCNM Book cover design by @viking-ventures
More credits: Commissioned Cover 1, part 3 - Viking Visual Art Tutorial
NB Book cover design by @ilovewintergem
I'm on HIVE 'coz of:
My main affiliate program ===> ClickTrackProfit
Documenting my life's journey: