Alive Chat Monday : Plan Out Your New Week - And Follow Your Plan To Success
In line with my desire to keep things simple, I mostly do the same things every day. What I did revise was the timeslot in which I do these chores and tasks. Instead of having everything cramped within a 24-hour period, I decided to change my sleep time and wake up time. Then, I pushed some tasks to the morning slot. Others take up the afternoon and evening slot.
- #aliveandthriving daily curation
- #LarryIsAlive daily post
- reply to comments on my posts
- feed the kitties (happens 3x per day)
- water the plants (2x per day except when it rains)
- prep dinner (3x per week)
- do daily clean up chores
- stay !ALIVE, positive, and send out as much !LUV and good vibes as I can
- find time for rest and relaxation
- daily meditation
- reading a chapter or two of a book
- find time for some pc games
Rinse and repeat
On Fridays: #alivevideomaster post (At times, this comes out on Saturdays.) 😆
If you've followed my posts, you'll know I'm having Internet connection issues. Thankfully, there's mobile data hotspot that has temporarily taken the mantle of providing me some connectivity in order to do my daily Hive tasks. It has become important too for my day work 'coz I do prefer working from home. I have managed to optimize my working space and condition to provide the best comfort for me as I go about my day work. 😊
Met these cutie guinea pigs though when I went to work at my boss's home office last week. Gonna miss seeing them, although we have our fair share of guinea pig pets at home. 😂 Yes, today I worked from home again. I've made arrangements with another service provider for Internet connection. I'm waiting till the service ticket on our existing line goes missing again. Then, my daughter will cancel that totally. Sometimes, we just need to learn to let go of those that no longer serve our needs. 😑 I've honestly never experienced this much undue stress again since Mom passed two years ago. I know I do not like the feeling. Hopefully, the new Internet service provider will provide the connectivity we need to be able to do all that we want to do online. 😉 More updates soon...
Onwards to my #LarryIsAlive quest...
Daily goal achieved ☑️ weekly one at 30%; monthly at 56%. Sent out a mail last Friday but I don't think it has reached the required views and support to receive LN tokens. I remember when I started using LN too and it went about like that for several months. 😂🤣 truly lucky to have gotten this far though so no complaints there.
>>> What's new? : Check out CTPX
There went my CTPX run today. It's 2:1 during that time. I hope I was able to maximize it. Will take lots of 🍀 to win CTP tokens as there are some really heavy surfers on here.
I'm quite pleased when I read that @dmhafiz got his first pay from LeadsLeap. This is my top priority site on a daily basis. I also requested cash out today. I'll just wait for it to arrive in a few days. 😉
I've completed my allotted daily surf on TAB today. I'll do more when I find more time for it. For now, it will have to do.
I've reached over 700 reward points on FAFY. That's so near my 1K goal. I've also made some adjustments in my activities here. If the new connection will prove fast and reliable, I plan on getting back on track so I could earn more credits for more advertising esp. of my LL coop link. 😉
Although technically my Monday isn't over (it will be soon), I'm claiming that it's a good day and it's time to wind down on activities now. Dinner prep follows after I post this. It's that kind of day when I just want to escape from reality for a teensy weensy bit of time. 😌
Wrapping things up now. See you on my next #LarryIsAlive meets challenge post. Good nighty from Manila. Do enjoy your week! Ta-tah! 👋
credits for the new signature : @stdd
My books are now available:
Never Bother
Don't You Cry No More
DYCNM Book cover design by @viking-ventures
More credits: Commissioned Cover 1, part 3 - Viking Visual Art Tutorial
NB Book cover design by @ilovewintergem
I'm on HIVE 'coz of:
My main affiliate program ===> ClickTrackProfit
Documenting my life's journey: