My Top List-Building Traffic Traffic Sources for August 2024

in #bbh17 days ago (edited)

Here we are in September already, so it's time for my monthly traffic stats update.

In the video I show you where my active subscribers came from who joined my primary mailing list in August:

I didn't actively promote my Lead Capture Page in August.

Instead, I spent most of my free time researching and writing an academic paper which I was planning to present at a conference in Hiroshima last weekend, but unfortunately, Typhoon Shanshan disrupted those plans - the conference was cancelled.

So most of the traffic to my lead capture page came from passive sources of traffic generation.

In August, 37 new "active" (double-optin-verified) subscribers joined my primary mailing list, which I use to promote my "100% Commission Funnel."

Comparing August to July: Consistent Passive Growth

July wasn’t the most active month for me either. Even so, I managed to bring in 38 active subscribers, again mainly through passive traffic generation.

What the last two months' results show is that with the right set-up, you can maintain a steady stream of subscribers, even when you’re not so actively engaged with your online business.

Key Sources of Passive Traffic

Let’s talk about where my traffic is coming from. The major players for me are:

YouTube: Once you have videos up on YouTube that draw traffic, it becomes a passive traffic source. My videos continue to bring in new subscribers every month.

LeadsLeap: This is a great source of passive advertising, especially if you're an upgraded member as I am. Upgraded members can post 10 "pro ads" that generate targeted traffic day in and day out.

Traffic Zipper: This tool connects several top-performing safe lists and handles mailings on autopilot for you.

These three sources - Traffic Zipper, Leads Leap, and YouTube, are my top passive traffic generators.

Minimal Effort, Significant Results

Now, let's look at my actual activity in August. I uploaded only three or four videos to YouTube during the month. Despite this low activity level, my subscriber count did not drop. In fact, it was quite steady! Here's a quick breakdown of my stats from August:

  • YouTube: 15 active subscribers
  • Leads Leap: 5 active subscribers
  • Traffic Zipper: 4 active subscribers
  • Viral Mail Profits: 3 active subscribers
  • Traffic AdBar: 3 active subscribers
  • Direct/unknown: 2
  • My blog: 2
  • Leads N Profit: 1 subscriber
  • Website Traffic Rewards: 1 subscriber

I was able to add 37 active subscribers in August without much active promotion. A large percentage of these came from old videos I posted on my Youtube channel.

The Power of YouTube for Free Traffic

If you're looking for free traffic, YouTube is the place to be. It costs nothing to create a YouTube account or upload videos, and the traffic can be incredibly consistent.

Sure, it requires some effort to make videos, and you might feel self-conscious at first, as I did, but it gets easier over time. My first video was horrible, but I kept going. Now YouTube is my top source of free traffic.

My September Target

August wasn’t a bad month at all, considering how little I did to promote my business. However, my goal for September is to be more proactive and I'm aiming to pull in at least 60 new "active" subscribers - about two a day. With some consistent effort, I’m confident I can reach that target.

If you are building a list, what are your best sources of traffic? Let me know in the comments below.


David Hurley

P. S. Check out my top traffic sources for last month here:

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