According to the ID card, he was just above 40! A known hypertensive and a smoker. He had chest pain for the last 4 days! When he came into my chamber, he indeed seemed unwell! His pain was all over his chest. Even the pain was radiating to this jaw, neck, and both arms area! Over the last 4 days, he had severe episodes of sweating and nausea! He didn’t have any fever, cold, cough, or heartburn.
Without any delay, I called a nurse to do an ECG. Because, from the clinical features, I was almost certain that it was going to be a cardiac case! The recent cardiac arrest case (who died two days later!) in my chamber was still fresh in our minds! My fear came true! Indeed, it was an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack). The ECG findings were really bad. A major part of his heart walls was affected (medically it is called extensive anterior MI). He was like a “walking time bomb”! Anytime, he could explode (succumb to cardiac arrest)!
I immediately called some other staff. Someone arranged the ambulance; someone gave the lifesaving loading doses of medicines to the patient; I prepared a referral letter and informed the regional hospital emergency doctor. Within 5 minutes we left our clinic. We could hand him over to the emergency department team without further deterioration of the patient’s condition.
Oh. One thing I forgot to mention. His blood sugar was found over 400 mg/dl; very high. Most likely, he was a diabetic too! Hypertension, DM, and smoking are three well-known risk factors for a cardiac emergency!!! He had all three! Poor guy!!