Understanding Food Choices: The Vegetarian and Vegan Dilemma

in Hive Learners16 days ago

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Pyea jag bohanda the khayea man bohanda means wears which looks good to other and eat which you find good for you. For me I am vegetarian and love to be. In general their are two type of food habits one are vegetarian and another are non-vegetarian. But in India you will find the vegetarian, non-vegetarian, their are some people who eat the egg but not the meat, their are some vegetarian they do not eat the onion and garlic. What you want to eat is up to you and its personal decision. As I mentioned above eat whatever you like as its their body. For me vegetarian meal suits to me and I like it very much. I do not mind if someone sitting beside me have mean in their plate. Their are some people how do not accept the company of someone want to have meat during meal time but I am completely ok for me.


The word Vegan was new to me and I come to know the definition of it when I was first time traveling out of India. We usually do not use the vegan word here and normally known the vegetarian nd non-vegetarian. If you do not know then I like to menadione the difference between the vegetarian and vegan. The only difference is the use of animal based food product and it includes the milk and milk related products also. You can have the replacement of animal milk with soya milk which is plant bases milk product. So now the question arise is it difficult to be a vegan?
If you ask this question to me then my answer is NO. I do not find it difficult as I am already very close to the vegan diet. In may meal I take the vegetable, fruits, dry fruits, wheat and rice. All those items are sufficient to give me the required calories, proteins and other required elements. I consider it as a healthy diet plan. Some people doubt that the only vegetable & fruits are not enough for proper growth of body, but in my opinion its myth. The elements required for the body are available in the plant bases meal also in sufficient quantity, for example you can get sufficient proteins from the soya also instead of the meat. In similar way the spinach is good source of iron which is not available in meat products. In this way I can claim the vegan diet has the alternates for the meat products but the meat products do not have the alternates for the vegan item. If we use the seasonal food items and the vegetables that means we are getting the sufficient nutrition for our body.


The price may be the one reason which restrict people to be a complete vegan, at many places the plat based items are costlier then the animal based items and some time its not possible to grow the plants because of the geographical conditions. This is all depends on the weather and soil conditions. At such places may be the cost of plant based items is way higher then the animal based items. In such conditions the people do not have any other option then go for the meat. But this is not the case here in India specially in north side of the county. The northern side has good fertile land and this may be the reason that I am more inclined towers the vegetarian diet.


In my option its all on will power if some one wants to change his eating habits. Everyone has craving for some food they like the most and I have seen some of my known, they were crazy for the chicken. Its not easy for such peoples to change the eating habits. But I know some people who love the meat and chicken but at some moment of time they stop eating. For example my wife use to have egg and meat in the past but now she do not. That's by, I consider that its all depends on the person to person and more about the will power.

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In India, I hope there are low chicken prices. I'm also vegetarian but sometimes I like to add some animal by products in them to make them more delicious.

which animal by products you love to add?

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