FungiFriday || The Beauty of Several Mushroom Species

in FungiFriday14 days ago


Hello friends, wherever you are, I hope you are all in good health and can do your daily routines as usual.

On this wonderful occasion, I want to entertain you all with some charming photography of the beauty of some mushrooms that I have encountered.

I gave these photos a few days ago while exploring the forest area and found several mushroom figures that have a very amazing beauty.

The mushrooms that I gave I found in different places and have different shapes, besides that there is an interesting combination of colors and unique shapes.

I found a mushroom that was shaped like a pin hole, this type of mushroom is round like an umbrella and has a combination of dark brown and light brown colors.

In addition, I also found mushrooms that were shaped like shells and had a faded white color, there were also mushrooms that had a yellow color combined with red heart.

The most interesting thing is that these mushrooms are shaped like balls that stick to wood, to be precise, I found these mushrooms growing on tree trunks as supports for residents' gardens.

As usual, here I have some charming photography of the beauty of several species of mushrooms that I have encountered, I hope you are entertained by some of the photography that I display.







Note: I am writing in Indonesian and using the help of Google translate to translate into English.

All gifts from this post will be burned and made into strength to support other hivers posts.

PhotographerSmartphone usedLocation
@guntingRealme C53Aceh Province. Indonesian Country.

Thank you for your visit.

Warm Greetings From



Thank you very much for Your support

You're welcome

You found some very beautiful mushrooms my brother

The purple mushrooms look very tempting.

Thank you very much 😉
This is my first time seeing the purple mushroom I show

What beautiful species of mushrooms you have found @gunting, I love them all, especially the last one
Excellent shots

Thank you very much Nice to see your comments 😉