"...never too late to do something."
Yeah sort of. I mean, it can be too late in certain circumstances...like when you're dead for instance. Yes, it's going to happen - your life will end one day no matter how focused you are on ignoring the fact. You're a ticking time bomb and when the moment strikes it's not an explosion that occurs, it's lights out, for good. Blackness. A void. Nothing.
Depressing to think about? Yeah I guess many would say so but I am not one of those. Sure, I don't go around celebrating the fact I'll eventually die - that wouldn't be very productive - but I certainly don't allow thoughts about it to dominate my life...instead I live my life better because of it!
"...time for action is now."
Now that is something I can wholeheartedly embrace!
Taking action is my thing and that comes out in various ways.
I am focused on taking the actions that will positively impact upon my life and those that align with my ideals, ideas and concept of right and wrong, good and bad and other such things. Sometimes people disagree with my actions, sometimes I disapprove of my own actions because I am human and make mistakes, but I never shy away from taking action as it helps me live my life better and those mistakes I may make along the way are valuable because they help me readjust and proceed in better directions.
I don't know when my time will be up - certainly there's more time behind me than in front though - and that's ok. I've had a good life full of great success which I've celebrated and monumental failure I've adjusted for then moved towards more success. In the present I have a good life, comfortable and well-furnished so to speak, and the future looks to be more of the same. There'll be difficulties of course, there always is, but when the clock reaches the point that triggers the blackness, the void, that is death...well, I'll be gone and who cares, certainly not me because I'll be dead. What I know now though, and what is important, is that I take actions that help me live a good life.
The time to take action and improve your life is now, it's never to late to do something positive to move yourself in the right direction...unless you're fucken dead - galenkp
Does knowing you're going to die today, tomorrow or at some unknown point in the future help motivate you to get the most out of every day as it does with me? Does the thought of your own death paralyze you with fear? Can you rate your life now as ten out of ten or is it somewhat less and if the latter why and what are you doing to improve it? Feel free to comment if you would like to.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
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Image(s) in this post are my own