The punisher

in Galenkp's Stuff2 years ago


A prince should be slow to punish, and quick to reward.

- Pūblius Ovidius Nāsō -

As I do every year in the week prior to Christmas, I've been making calls to wish some folks a great festive season and all the best for the new year; I'm talking about friends of mine, not for work. I enjoy making these calls as I don't always get to speak with a lot of these people much throughout the year. We spend time chatting about what's been going on and what's coming up in the new year, catch up on the news within the circle of friends and fill each other in, then move on. I make a few calls each day, usually around fifteen minutes each and then we move on.

Yesterday, I spoke with someone I've known since my mid-twenties, I worked wand and been through some tough times with; he's now a cop working in a special tactical branch that responds to situations regular cops aren't trained or equipped for.

We spoke about a recent shooting here where two young police officers, one male and one female, were shot and killed in an ambush at a rural property set up by a husband and wife team; a civilian who had come to their aid was also fatally shot.

My mate was measured in his dialogue, but I could tell he was deeply affected by the slayings; it's not often police officers are shot here in Australia. I could also tell he was very angry. We went on to discuss the law, punishment and whether punishments fit the crime in most cases. I'll not go into what was said, however we both had the same thoughts on the matter.

I came away thinking many things, but mostly about punishment and the repercussions of it like what positive or negative outcomes it brings.

I was punished many times as a kid, and I learned something each time. I think the same could be said for most people...but some never seem to learn and keep reoffending; overcrowding in the prison system can testify to that. This leads me to wonder if that form of punishment actually working or something different needs to happen? I don't know the answer although have my opinions and one is that I believe certain crimes should be punished more severely.

What I know for certain however, is that punishments need to be used for the right reason and in the right way, meaning a suitable punishment for the situation; I'm not just talking about criminals or with children...punishments happen in daily life all the time, the workplace included.

Professionally, I've tended away from punishments although I guess one could argue that the attitude adjustments I've had to make are tantamount to punishment; it's all about perspective.

Focusing on the problem initially, rather than the person, has been the best way to deal with it as often there's underlying or extenuating circumstances contributing to the issue although, at times...yep, it's the person. Like our friend Ovid above though, I've not been hasty in issuing punishments, rather, I've worked to build teams that are self-managing, meaning teams in which everyone knows their responsibilities and are empowered to act accordingly knowing reward will come if deserved, or that attitude adjustments will. Allowing a team to rise and fall is important, lessons are learned in both situations.

Most often, I'd say my teams have been well rewarded and certainly encouraged to achieve. I've expected a lot from them, I expect a lot from myself and that pushes outwardly, and have given a lot of myself to assist with their needs; but I've punished also. I'm happy to say, most of those punishments, attitude adjustments, have been received well which is because I have instilled a sense of ownership in any team I've led. Those who aren't on the program tend to not take adjustment well, and then drift away out of the team, or are booted out with a swift kick up the ass.

Have you had any experiences you'd like to talk about? Have you given or received punishments either legitimately or unfairly that have had good or bad effects? Feel free to comment below if you like.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

Any images in this post are my own


Wow! This was like a loaded gun, wasn't it? It looks like you and @wwwiebe covered it well. A most well-attended subject in opinions. I'm still reading them,

Suffice to say, it is more complicated than I have words for at this hour, but, I can say that your brain never stops.

Hi, Galen!

I find it interesting to see how people react to topics like this, whether they have strong opinions, defer to political correctness or are apathetic - it reveals a lot about a person I think. I contentious and difficult topic for sure. And yeah, my brain doesn't stop much...but it's only the size of a pea (a small one) so it has to work overtime.

Friday Here swigs...I'm done at work for the...wait for it...year!

Yay for me!

Punishment is a thorny subject, even as a boy like you I received many and they served me as a lesson; unfortunately there are situations in which punishments are of little use as whoever receives them does not receive the message and is unable to make corrections. I'm always for positivity and I believe that the reward is better than the punishment but both things are sides of a coin and both things are "earned"; personally in adulthood I obviously feel much more stimulated by receiving an award for my commitment even if by now I have made the commitment regardless my way of doing, I always want to give 110% in every situation to be able to sleep peacefully and look at myself mirror smiling. I believe that the punitive system in the various states is another thorny topic, in Italy it should probably be completely revised as it doesn't work at all and by now people tend to give a damn about it because they know that in some way they will escape the punishment or in any case it will be very light compared to the crimes; paradoxically in my part those who commit lighter crimes are often punished disproportionately. I don't know what corrections could be made, however I believe that certain mistakes cannot be forgiven; one of the phrases from the "Jungle Book" that I like says... "just punishment settles all accounts", but I guess this is unfortunately true in the jungle but for the human race it is not like this, because maybe the accounts are paid with the punishment unfortunately, however, the man is a repeat offender and does not learn from the punishments therefore in the end the bill ... is never paid.
Thanks for the reflection, it struck me a lot also because my brother is a policeman and I often think of a series of situations that he has to live through.
A hug!

The legal/judicial system in many countries is questionable and there's many faults, there is no doubt of that. It it acceptable to do the best they can with it? I mean the government administrators...I don't know. Maybe society deserves more...but nothing is ever perfect right?

As someone else commented, society seems to see a police badge and forget that that person is a human, has a family and friends and does a very tough job. Sure, they know the risks going in, and yes, there are some very corrupt individuals (and departments) however in the main they do a job that many cannot or would not, the same as military people.

I guess it comes down to each and every one of us...human beings. if we all did the right thing, to the best of our ability, the need for law enforcement would diminish, not go completely, just lessen. But, that's not going to happen because it's in humankind's nature to be selfish, egotistical, greedy and hubristic.

Y'know, it seems we have shootings all the time here in the US. It has become almost normal, and we've become almost numb to it.

Punishment is meant not only to punish, but to teach as well. In the case of the penal system, rehabilitation is a word not commonly used anymore.

I do not believe that the threat of punishment is a deterrent to people who would otherwise be inclined to commit a crime of such a magnitude. If that was the case, we wouldn't have vicious crimes at all. There are, I think, some people who are just plain evil. I have no idea what to do with them. But the rest can find assistance with rehabilitation and job placement.

There are so many other variables that one post and a reply can't cover nearly all of them, of course; for instance, why would a drug dealer care about working at minimum wage when he can get all the much more for selling drugs? You're spot on about needing to identify the source of the problem. Personally, I think inequality of opportunity has something to do with it. I don't know how to fix that, either.

It's a delicate and not so delicate topic I guess. It's not a pleasant thinf to think about.

Interestingly, some who have been victims find forgiveness and others don't. I can imagine what it must be like for a woman to be brutally raped or a kid to be molested, but many can because it happens all the time...I don't feel that those who perpetrate these crimes are worth anything at all, there's no place in society for it - the act of it is heinous and anti-social. Is the threat of punishment (as we know it now) a deterrent? No, because these crimes still occur.

Yes, there's variables, and no a few words are not enough to adequately discuss this topic...I wanted to raise it though, to see what happened. There's always going to be those who sway one way or the other on it...I guess depending on their own experiences, or lack of them.

I don't feel that those who perpetrate these crimes are worth anything at all, there's no place in society for it - the act of it is heinous and anti-social.

You know, I actually agree with this, 100%. You're right, it's a delicate/not-delicate, and I wasn't comfortable going that far in the comment, so I'm rather glad you did.

There's a lot of shit out there, and some of it probably ought to be handled ruthlessly. Non-violent issues, though, probably don't warrant a medieval response. It'd be nice if we had a society where people didn't feel that was their only recourse.

You're right, it's a delicate/not-delicate, and I wasn't comfortable going that far in the comment, so I'm rather glad you did.

There's political correctness and then there's human values. I'm waiting for someone to defend the position of a rapist...I mean really? I've heard people do it here, the same with paedophiles and it blows my mind.

I understand your stance on the non-violent thing and, in an ideal world, that could work. But, in a society that glorifies it (movies/video games) and seems to love it so much...well, I'm not so sure. People say fighting violence with violence isn't the way...I wonder what standing in a line holding flowers would have done in Poland when the Nazi tanks rolled in back on 1 September 1939. I know many people who say they abhor violence, when it suits them, but they'll watch MMA, or play a violent video game. Humans are simply weird.

I don't know any of the answers really, I just have my opinions based on perceptions and experience. I can say for certain though, that if, for instance, someone home-invaded my house and raped my partner they had better kill me first as I'd not be merciful or kind to them if they did not. I'm that type of guy I'm afraid, some don't understand and some totally agree. I'm ok either way.

I believe in punishment but I also believe it is not always the right way as I believe punishment can worsen those hateful feelings against police or society. I don't believe punishment alone can bring some criminal back on the right trail. It only gives them anxiety to do it again.

I believe it is often the culture and people one surrounds himself with who influence a person and his actions. Not always though but I believe I could have been a totally different person with other friends.

I believe that people who commit bad crimes should indeed be punished and go to jail, but more important, they should be guided with therapy. I don't believe that only jail can make a person good. And I don't believe people become better if others make them feel like they are one big mistake. They should learn how to understand their own feelings and the feelings of others. And I also do believe people can change with the right guidance (Although I am not sure if sociopaths can change)

By the way, I admire it that you give your friends and people you know a call around this time of the year to stay connected and see how things are going & wish them nice holidays. I guess I am from the less social generation who just send Whatsapp messages.

punishment can worsen those hateful feelings against police or society.

It can, but I'm not sure that's a reason not to punish someone. A rapist for he not punished because he may come to dislike the legal system or hate society? I know people who have endured rape and it has generally destroyed their lives. The rapist should be slaughtered like a pig, in my opinion. I guess some will disagree...but might change their mind after someone close to them, or they themselves, ere brutally raped. You know what I'm saying? I don't think there's a place in this world for rapists and child-molesters, or many others for that matter.

Imagine for a moment, a young girl travelling around in her van who got onto a ferry and didn't buy a room to save money. Imagine her getting dragged into a room by some random guy and brutalised for no other reason other than the whim and perverted pleasure of the guy. It happens. I'd be happy to end that guys life - Just saying.

I believe it is often the culture and people one surrounds himself with who influence a person and his actions.

Yes, I agree...but everyone has a choice to be a better person. Many choose not to be.

In an ideal world, therapy would be a nice option, but we don't live in an ideal world. I guess punishment, when, what, why and how, is a very difficult subject and we all have opinions on it that are unlikely to change.

By the way, I admire it that you give your friends and people you know a call around this time of the year to stay connected and see how things are going & wish them nice holidays. I guess I am from the less social generation who just send WhatsApp messages.

I prefer speaking with people as texts are impersonal and have very little meaning...I know people who send generic Merry Christmas messages, some even to me, without even typing my name - they cut and paste the same message to everyone. I never reply; those people aren't friends.

They say we're more connected than ever...I say we have never been more disconnected.

Oh yeah I definitely agree with that, but I believe it is important to prevent those things from happening again. Jail will often do so, but I believe there are also many criminals who come out of jail in a worse state. And in case of rapists, I vote for castration.

Jail often exacerbates the existing issues for sure. I don't know there's much option though. And yeah, there's many criminals the deserve a lot worse than jail.

I have been a victim of this as a child. Been punished for offenses I didn't commit as well as for those I committed. Though at some point in my life these things tried to weigh me down, I never succumbed to the pressure. To me the future was bright, so my focus was more on the good things tomorrow holds.

However, I came to realize that people who take pleasure in repeated offennses/crimes even after receiving several (severe or lighter) punishments aren't normal people, sorry for using such expression.

One of the best way to tackle such issue in my opinion, is to establish an institution co funded and managed by the police and judiciary to follow up with offenders/criminals while they're incarcerated. Doing so will help them understand if such people deserves a second chance or not in the case of a parole.

I bet the correctional centers report is not enough and history has proven that they can't shoulder this responsibility alone.

Regarding if punishment need to be severe or not: I'm contributing to this as a Christian, sorry to mention. I don't believe in capital punishment with reasons which I can't elaborate here, but I am not also objective of severe punishment such as life imprisonment.

One thing worth noting is that, some crimes and offenses are triggered, starting by understanding what led to a particular crime and doing everything necessary to mitigate and prevent future occurrence is the way forward. Yet achieving this needs a collective effort starting from home.

I don't believe in capital punishment

I understand this, many feel the same way. I tend towards the other way though. I don't understand how a murderer, say someone who broke into someone's home and raped and murdered the occupants deserves to live. I'd put them up on a wall and shoot them - I'd be happy to pull the trigger.

Am short of words, because it's really complicated. If I were the one, I'll feel so bad, revenge won't be an option, but remembering that I'll also be a killer or support killing will put me off.

It's a tough subject.

Absolutely it is. The world is full of uncertainties and imbalances, sometimes I ask myself what the purpose of life is.

It's an interesting question you raise. I don't know the answer...I wonder if anyone does?

I believe the one who created all things have the answers 😃

I'm non-religious, but I understand the sentiment.

family and friends are the dearest people we's good manners and respect to have a good relationship with them,nice post!!!1 have a look in my profile if you like :))

I value both family and friends and communicate regularly with both sets of people. I'm cautious with whom I call friends though, selective, and choose to have a small group of them rather than a large group of acquaintances.

Thanks for your comment. I'll have a look at your account; you're a friend of davidesimoncini right?

This one is interesting. The first part made me wonder how am I going to handle that kind of situation if it was me. I don't think I have ever talked to someone over the phone and asked how are they doing. I am someone who hesitates to make such initiative to start a conversation with someone I knew. It's probably because of my personality. I had friends in school before, but not to the extent that I can share my personal thoughts whenever I like.

Though, all these words might seem to be just excuses.

I don't think I have ever talked to someone over the phone and asked how are they doing.

I find this very sad.

Mhhmmm... I'm not used to socializing. And yet here I am in a social media blogging platform creating a person out of me who is trying to be different.

I guess I'm introvert but sometimes I feel like I am extrovert. I guess?

I understand that you may not feel overly social, but if you were to find the right people to be social with I think you'll find a lot of value. One doesn't have to open up entirely, but it's nice to chare time with others occasionally, to share thoughts, and connect a little. I find it so anyway. I'm not overly social and don't lime big groups or crowds, but with the right people I really enjoy myself.

Introverted people are simply people who are able to feel content without a lot of external stimulus from people or other sources. But that doesn't mean they need/want to exclude themselves from society completely, but maybe some prefer it. Whatever makes you feel happy I guess. If you like being secluded away from others then do that. If you like a little more balance, then do that.

Punishment is a last call when every other options for attitude change had failed. People deliberately want to go against rules reasons for this I no not. I came some hatred between the civilian and the military mostly in Nigeria. Most police officers do not go on their police uniform for fear of sudden attack, daily the officers die and daily crime is at the increase.
I can relate to the rate of crime to what the screen shows. Most movies show violence and the people enjoy it and by extension act it. Family values has already reduced over the years manifesting to what we see today.
Calling and wishing friends and family members compliments of the season is a good one. Healthier and happily we shall walk into 2023.
Merry Christmas.

I came some hatred between the civilian and the military mostly in Nigeria. Most police officers do not go on their police uniform for fear of sudden attack, daily the officers die and daily crime is at the increase.

It sounds like a terrible place, and one I never want to visit.

Most movies show violence and the people enjoy it and by extension act it. Family values has already reduced over the years manifesting to what we see today.

Yep, and video games too.

Calling and wishing friends and family members compliments of the season is a good one. Healthier and happily we shall walk into 2023.

I think so too. Maybe you'll make a few calls yourself.

I'm on it already calling and texting and planning on visiting some too.

Nice work. ✅

Totally agree with your perspective, many times the punishments are not truly exemplary and this leads to them being committed again. I am very sorry about the officers who fell in the line of duty. On a certain occasion I heard a phrase that said it is not tragic die doing what you like, but nonetheless, those of us who carry out police duties are human beings just like the rest, with relatives, spouses and children, in a situation of legitimate defense I have never saved anything for another occasion and in a certain aspect for the doctrine of human rights where criminals have more rights than officials invested with authority, has caused me some legal inconveniences but nevertheless I have emerged victorious, a particular case was a complaint that I took in relation to gender violence an individual hit savagely a citizen and in response to that complaint we proceeded to locate the citizen, later located We proceeded to tell him that he was in custody and this citizen took out a bladed weapon and pounced against my humanity saying that he was going to take my life, for which I found myself in the urgent need to activate my regulation weapon 5 times, if there were 5 in the thorax region, the reason this citizen was under psychotropic effects, the process was a bit complicated but in the trial everything was determined favorable despite many inconveniences in the process.

those of us who carry out police duties are human beings just like the rest, with relatives, spouses and children,

I think people forget this in respect of police officers and first-responders in general. It's quite said.

The subject of punishment and the legal system is a contentious one and there will always be many different opinions. I think it's all subjective as those who have suffered at the hands of a criminal may have a different view than those who have not. It's easy to judge those inside a situation when one is outside of it.

Its a good habit to call your friends and family. I also invited some of my friends on Christmas and enjoying together. We decorated our home and also decorated street.

Decorations in the street are nice. I have Christmas lights on my house, as does all of the houses in my street. It looks nice.

They say that in every human being there is always something good... I don't know, I don't know what good there can be in these people who punish in this way by taking lives.

The sense of justice must not be easy to deal with so many emotions together in cases of such atrocious injustices, of such inhuman people (on both sides) Galen both the one who punishes (administration of justice) and the one who commits the deed.

As a child I also received punishments and even as an adult I have received "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" with the negative reinforcement for my health; however, I have overcome them because I do not lose faith in justice and humanity.

They say that in every human being there is always something good... I don't know, I don't know what good there can be in these people who punish in this way by taking lives.

I'm sure Eva Braun saw something good in Adolf Hitler, at least at some stage. Many probably did. Was he good? Well, that's up to each person to determine for themselves. What I'm trying to say is that you're probably right.

I don't know what good there can be in these people who punish in this way by taking lives.

And in keeping with the World War Two theme...if people (the allies) didn't take lives maybe Germany might have taken the whole of Europe and the UK and then what? I wonder what that alternate reality would have looked like.

As for your last paragraph...Life is always going to throw up challenges and that's when we have a choice. Overcome them, or not. It's a personal choice and one will move forward commensurate to that choice.

And in keeping with the World War Two theme...if people (the allies) didn't take lives maybe Germany might have taken the whole of Europe and the UK and then what? I wonder what that alternate reality wold have looked like.

An alternative reality... perhaps it is hard for us to stop and do what really corresponds to us as citizens, as perhaps those Christians or non-believers of God that we say we are on a daily basis. But we continue to bet that when we have passion for what we do, principles, and ethics, even with the mistakes as human beings that we are, we manage to do our work with that objectivity of which you speak.

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Punishment is the way of correcting someone especially in children. I can remember when I was a child I mean when I was 11 years old, that my mother asked me to sweep our compound. being that it was not my turn to sweep that day. I refuse. And my mother is not the type of woman that flog someone because she doesn't believe in beaten a child but punishment. So what she did to me was after she finish preparing mail, she gave food to my siblings and refused to put food for me that day she looked the kitchen and take the key with her and go out. Hmmm my dear, it wasn't an easy day for me that day I was hungry that I being to regret If I had known. I stayed till 4pm that was when she came back and saw that I have done what she asked me to do before she now give me food that day.!

No beatings, just starvings. Seems fair.