Trading Activity for the FreeCompliments Community Accounts on August 28th – September 3rd, 2024

in FreeCompliments14 days ago
This account is being used to publish reports on trading activity for $HIVE and $HBD across the community accounts for the FreeCompliments Community. This is a central account where HIVE and HBD will be collected and traded, for the purpose of easily keeping track of all HIVE/HBD assets in one place. The account, and its associated actions, is solely controlled by @freecompliments.

The following is a summary of the transactions that have taken place on this account over the past few days. It is followed by a copy of the transactions obtained directly from Peakd.


  • Started with 2219 HIVE
  • 2219 HIVE were traded back and forth on the internal market for a net profit of 141 HIVE (2360 HIVE)
  • Total Net Profit = 141 HIVE

The following is a copy of the trades made over the past day (HSBI payouts excluded); copy obtained directly from Peakd:

• Fill Order

12 minutes ago
current_orderid: 2535527435current_owner: konvik-hbdcurrent_pays: 189.847 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725446733open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 31.068 HBD

• Fill Order

12 minutes ago
current_orderid: 1624559755current_owner: konvik-hbdcurrent_pays: 442.532 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725446733open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 72.419 HBD

• Fill Order

13 minutes ago
current_orderid: 3884107774current_owner: keychain.swapcurrent_pays: 1.316 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725446733open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 0.215 HBD

• Fill Order

13 minutes ago
current_orderid: 2195407868current_owner: konvik-hbdcurrent_pays: 447.003 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725446733open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 73.150 HBD

• Fill Order

13 minutes ago
current_orderid: 3220155574current_owner: konvik-hbdcurrent_pays: 451.518 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725446733open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 73.889 HBD

• Fill Order

13 minutes ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 319.427 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725446733open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 52.273 HBD

• Fill Order

14 minutes ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 354.919 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725446733open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 58.081 HBD

• Limit Order Create

17 minutes ago
amount_to_sell: 361.095 HBDexpiration: 2024-10-01T10:45:33fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 2206.548 HIVEorderid: 1725446733owner: fc-arbitration

• Fill Order

14 hours ago
current_orderid: 4132613486current_owner: keychain.swapcurrent_pays: 305.045 HBDopen_orderid: 1725389658open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 1773.517 HIVE

• Fill Order

14 hours ago
current_orderid: 57559610current_owner: keychain.swapcurrent_pays: 56.050 HBDopen_orderid: 1725389658open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 325.872 HIVE

• Limit Order Create

16 hours ago
amount_to_sell: 2253.360 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-30T18:54:17fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 387.578 HBDorderid: 1725389658owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Cancel

16 hours ago
orderid: 1725384842owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Create

17 hours ago
amount_to_sell: 2253.360 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-30T17:34:01fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 378.114 HBDorderid: 1725384842owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Cancel

17 hours ago
orderid: 1725375426owner: fc-arbitration

• Fill Order

19 hours ago
current_orderid: 925379414current_owner: divergente1current_pays: 124.865 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725379056open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 20.790 HBD

• Fill Order

19 hours ago
current_orderid: 925379414current_owner: divergente1current_pays: 586.961 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725377545open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 97.729 HBD

• Limit Order Create

19 hours ago
amount_to_sell: 20.790 HBDexpiration: 2024-09-30T15:57:35fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 124.865 HIVEorderid: 1725379056owner: fc-arbitration

• Fill Order

19 hours ago
current_orderid: 1725378732current_owner: v4vapp.trecurrent_pays: 20.790 HBDopen_orderid: 1725375426open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 123.749 HIVE

• Limit Order Create

20 hours ago
amount_to_sell: 97.729 HBDexpiration: 2024-09-30T15:32:24fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 586.961 HIVEorderid: 1725377545owner: fc-arbitration

• Fill Order

20 hours ago
current_orderid: 2863439376current_owner: keychain.swapcurrent_pays: 5.000 HBDopen_orderid: 1725375426open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 29.761 HIVE

• Fill Order

20 hours ago
current_orderid: 1244269986current_owner: keychain.swapcurrent_pays: 0.366 HBDopen_orderid: 1725375426open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 2.178 HIVE

• Fill Order

20 hours ago
current_orderid: 27595028current_owner: hive-144994current_pays: 0.010 HBDopen_orderid: 1725375426open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 0.059 HIVE

• Fill Order

20 hours ago
current_orderid: 680367586current_owner: coldporridgecurrent_pays: 1.000 HBDopen_orderid: 1725375426open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 5.952 HIVE

• Fill Order

20 hours ago
current_orderid: 622404439current_owner: hive-142770current_pays: 1.000 HBDopen_orderid: 1725375426open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 5.952 HIVE

• Fill Order

20 hours ago
current_orderid: 618046755current_owner: ccceo.tradercurrent_pays: 1.000 HBDopen_orderid: 1725375426open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 5.952 HIVE

• Fill Order

20 hours ago
current_orderid: 925376144current_owner: alberto0607current_pays: 0.195 HBDopen_orderid: 1725375426open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 1.160 HIVE

• Fill Order

20 hours ago
current_orderid: 1725376056current_owner: fraenkcurrent_pays: 84.918 HBDopen_orderid: 1725375426open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 505.464 HIVE

• Fill Order

20 hours ago
current_orderid: 1725375515current_owner: morenowcurrent_pays: 4.240 HBDopen_orderid: 1725375426open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 25.238 HIVE

• Limit Order Create

20 hours ago
amount_to_sell: 2246.999 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-30T14:57:05fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 377.496 HBDorderid: 1725375426owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Cancel

20 hours ago
orderid: 1725374399owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Create

20 hours ago
amount_to_sell: 2246.999 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-30T14:39:59fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 393.225 HBDorderid: 1725374399owner: fc-arbitration

• Fill Order

21 hours ago
current_orderid: 839888410current_owner: konvik-hbdcurrent_pays: 340.177 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725373348open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 57.388 HBD

• Fill Order

21 hours ago
current_orderid: 2384922163current_owner: konvik-hbdcurrent_pays: 380.278 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725373348open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 64.152 HBD

• Fill Order

21 hours ago
current_orderid: 1427489533current_owner: konvik-hbdcurrent_pays: 384.119 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725373348open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 64.800 HBD

• Fill Order

21 hours ago
current_orderid: 1482185446current_owner: konvik-hbdcurrent_pays: 387.999 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725373348open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 65.455 HBD

• Fill Order

21 hours ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 214.401 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725373348open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 36.169 HBD

• Fill Order

21 hours ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 161.397 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725373348open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 27.227 HBD

• Fill Order

21 hours ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 179.330 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725373348open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 30.252 HBD

• Fill Order

21 hours ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 199.255 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725373348open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 33.614 HBD

• Limit Order Create

21 hours ago
amount_to_sell: 379.057 HBDexpiration: 2024-09-30T14:22:28fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 2246.929 HIVEorderid: 1725373348owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Cancel

21 hours ago
orderid: 1725286685owner: fc-arbitration

• Received from ecoinstats0.043 HIVE

21 hours ago
INCOME daily entertainment incentive; for more info see

• Limit Order Create

2 days ago
amount_to_sell: 379.057 HBDexpiration: 2024-09-29T14:18:04fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 2256.292 HIVEorderid: 1725286685owner: fc-arbitration

• Fill Order

2 days ago
current_orderid: 1725286667current_owner: fc-arbitrationcurrent_pays: 2237.702 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725282160open_owner: cloudbladeopen_pays: 379.057 HBD

• Limit Order Create

2 days ago
amount_to_sell: 2237.702 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-29T14:17:47fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 379.044 HBDorderid: 1725286667owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Cancel

2 days ago
orderid: 1725229831owner: fc-arbitration

• Received from ecoinstats0.043 HIVE

2 days ago
INCOME daily entertainment incentive; for more info see

• Limit Order Create

3 days ago
amount_to_sell: 2237.659 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-28T22:30:31fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 402.779 HBDorderid: 1725229831owner: fc-arbitration

• Fill Order

3 days ago
current_orderid: 4185747351current_owner: konvik-hbdcurrent_pays: 800.846 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725198333open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 140.949 HBD

• Fill Order

3 days ago
current_orderid: 663832687current_owner: konvik-hbdcurrent_pays: 1154.842 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725198333open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 203.252 HBD

• Fill Order

3 days ago
current_orderid: 2328586000current_owner: konvik-hbdcurrent_pays: 281.928 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725198333open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 49.619 HBD

• Received from ecoinstats0.043 HIVE

3 days ago
INCOME daily entertainment incentive; for more info see

• Limit Order Create

3 days ago
amount_to_sell: 393.820 HBDexpiration: 2024-09-28T13:45:33fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 2237.614 HIVEorderid: 1725198333owner: fc-arbitration

• Fill Order

3 days ago
current_orderid: 133918655current_owner: konvik-hbdcurrent_pays: 48.270 HBDopen_orderid: 1725143569open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 272.097 HIVE

• Fill Order

3 days ago
current_orderid: 2249331841current_owner: konvik-hbdcurrent_pays: 345.550 HBDopen_orderid: 1725143569open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 1947.858 HIVE

• Limit Order Create

4 days ago
amount_to_sell: 2219.955 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-27T22:32:48fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 393.820 HBDorderid: 1725143569owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Cancel

4 days ago
orderid: 1725143406owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Create

4 days ago
amount_to_sell: 2219.955 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-27T22:30:05fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 390.712 HBDorderid: 1725143406owner: fc-arbitration

• Fill Order

4 days ago
current_orderid: 1725124622current_owner: jonsnow1983current_pays: 32.937 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725110786open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 5.797 HBD

• Fill Order

4 days ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 184.017 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725110786open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 32.386 HBD

• Fill Order

4 days ago
current_orderid: 925124556current_owner: hive-103505current_pays: 2.363 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725110786open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 0.415 HBD

• Fill Order

4 days ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 136.363 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725110786open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 23.999 HBD

• Fill Order

4 days ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 151.514 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725110786open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 26.666 HBD

• Fill Order

4 days ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 168.349 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725110786open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 29.629 HBD

• Fill Order

4 days ago
current_orderid: 1725124245current_owner: jonsnow1983current_pays: 708.542 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725110786open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 124.703 HBD

• Fill Order

4 days ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 187.055 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725110786open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 32.921 HBD

• Fill Order

4 days ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 207.839 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725110786open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 36.579 HBD

• Fill Order

4 days ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 232.194 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725110786open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 40.866 HBD

• Fill Order

4 days ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 208.739 HIVEopen_orderid: 1725110786open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 36.738 HBD

• Received from ecoinstats0.043 HIVE

4 days ago
INCOME daily entertainment incentive; for more info see

• Limit Order Create

4 days ago
amount_to_sell: 390.699 HBDexpiration: 2024-09-27T13:26:26fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 2219.881 HIVEorderid: 1725110786owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Cancel

4 days ago
orderid: 1725038571owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Create

5 days ago
amount_to_sell: 390.699 HBDexpiration: 2024-09-26T17:22:50fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 2241.532 HIVEorderid: 1725038571owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Cancel

5 days ago
orderid: 1725037440owner: fc-arbitration

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 1725037635current_owner: pranavinactioncurrent_pays: 2.487 HBDopen_orderid: 1725036859open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 14.241 HIVE

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 925037591current_owner: franciscomarvalcurrent_pays: 10.512 HBDopen_orderid: 1725036859open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 60.175 HIVE

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 753671981current_owner: hive-144994current_pays: 0.010 HBDopen_orderid: 1725036859open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 0.057 HIVE

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 663816203current_owner: marlonfundcurrent_pays: 0.010 HBDopen_orderid: 1725036859open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 0.057 HIVE

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 556423278current_owner: davidthompson57current_pays: 10.000 HBDopen_orderid: 1725036859open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 57.244 HIVE

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 492823438current_owner: coldporridgecurrent_pays: 1.000 HBDopen_orderid: 1725036859open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 5.724 HIVE

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 96566953current_owner: hive-142770current_pays: 1.000 HBDopen_orderid: 1725036859open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 5.724 HIVE

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 231888859current_owner: upme.tradercurrent_pays: 0.038 HBDopen_orderid: 1725036859open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 0.217 HIVE

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 1725037554current_owner: ecoinstatscurrent_pays: 1.248 HBDopen_orderid: 1725036859open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 7.144 HIVE

• Limit Order Create

5 days ago
amount_to_sell: 364.394 HBDexpiration: 2024-09-26T17:03:59fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 2091.214 HIVEorderid: 1725037440owner: fc-arbitration

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: orinococurrent_pays: 1.200 HBDopen_orderid: 1725036859open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 6.869 HIVE

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 1725037130current_owner: borislavzlatanovcurrent_pays: 363.000 HBDopen_orderid: 1725036859open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 2077.964 HIVE

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 925037109current_owner: esmeesmithcurrent_pays: 0.124 HBDopen_orderid: 1725036859open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 0.709 HIVE

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 1725037053current_owner: aloysiusmbabacurrent_pays: 0.070 HBDopen_orderid: 1725036859open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 0.400 HIVE

• Limit Order Create

5 days ago
amount_to_sell: 2236.525 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-26T16:54:19fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 390.699 HBDorderid: 1725036859owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Cancel

5 days ago
orderid: 1725034103owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Create

5 days ago
amount_to_sell: 2236.525 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-26T16:08:22fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 390.721 HBDorderid: 1725034103owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Cancel

5 days ago
orderid: 1725032636owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Create

5 days ago
amount_to_sell: 2236.525 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-26T15:43:56fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 391.392 HBDorderid: 1725032636owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Cancel

5 days ago
orderid: 1725031676owner: fc-arbitration

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 1725032490current_owner: fc-arbitrationcurrent_pays: 36.220 HBDopen_orderid: 3995126125open_owner: konvik-hbdopen_pays: 206.896 HIVE

• Limit Order Create

5 days ago
amount_to_sell: 36.220 HBDexpiration: 2024-09-26T15:41:29fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 206.889 HIVEorderid: 1725032490owner: fc-arbitration

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: orinococurrent_pays: 36.000 HBDopen_orderid: 1725031676open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 205.244 HIVE

• Fill Order

5 days ago
current_orderid: 925031724current_owner: yahya.umer.hayatcurrent_pays: 0.220 HBDopen_orderid: 1725031676open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 1.254 HIVE

• Limit Order Create

5 days ago
amount_to_sell: 2236.127 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-26T15:27:56fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 392.217 HBDorderid: 1725031676owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Cancel

5 days ago
orderid: 1724968927owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Cancel

5 days ago
orderid: 1724969515owner: fc-arbitration

• Received from ecoinstats0.043 HIVE

5 days ago
INCOME daily entertainment incentive; for more info see

• Limit Order Create

6 days ago
amount_to_sell: 562.584 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-25T22:11:55fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 101.265 HBDorderid: 1724969515owner: fc-arbitration

• Fill Order

6 days ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 178.519 HIVEopen_orderid: 1724968877open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 31.473 HBD

• Fill Order

6 days ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 210.947 HIVEopen_orderid: 1724968877open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 37.189 HBD

• Fill Order

6 days ago
current_orderid: 1current_owner: hbdstabilizercurrent_pays: 173.118 HIVEopen_orderid: 1724968877open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 30.520 HBD

• Limit Order Create

6 days ago
amount_to_sell: 1673.500 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-25T22:02:07fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 301.230 HBDorderid: 1724968927owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Cancel

6 days ago
orderid: 1724949763owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Create

6 days ago
amount_to_sell: 99.182 HBDexpiration: 2024-09-25T22:01:16fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 562.575 HIVEorderid: 1724968877owner: fc-arbitration

• Fill Order

6 days ago
current_orderid: 1724952737current_owner: iriverscurrent_pays: 0.031 HBDopen_orderid: 1724949763open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 0.170 HIVE

• Fill Order

6 days ago
current_orderid: 924952102current_owner: blezzystevecurrent_pays: 1.270 HBDopen_orderid: 1724949763open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 6.985 HIVE

• Fill Order

6 days ago
current_orderid: 1724951880current_owner: threespeakfundcurrent_pays: 97.881 HBDopen_orderid: 1724949763open_owner: fc-arbitrationopen_pays: 538.399 HIVE

• Limit Order Create

6 days ago
amount_to_sell: 2219.054 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-25T16:42:42fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 403.424 HBDorderid: 1724949763owner: fc-arbitration

• Limit Order Cancel

6 days ago
orderid: 1724864655owner: fc-arbitration

• Received from ecoinstats0.043 HIVE

6 days ago
INCOME daily entertainment incentive; for more info see

• Limit Order Create

7 days ago
amount_to_sell: 2219.011 HIVEexpiration: 2024-09-24T17:04:14fill_or_kill: falsemin_to_receive: 404.970 HBDorderid: 1724864655owner: fc-arbitration

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