What do I love about Hawkeye?

in Scholar and Scribe2 years ago

Tuesday, 17th on January 2023 [29]

This and last week both feel like doom and gloom. I think it’s time to admit it that I’ve been slightly depressed. Why? Because I sleep and sleep all the time and I have no will to do anything else but watching movies, eating and… yeah, sleeping. I mean, it's winter. Nature hibernates and so it's natural that we hibernate too. There is more to it that meets the eye... hawkeye maybe? 😉

If you saw me at work, you wouldn’t guess there is anything wrong. Yes, I took last Monday off sick, but apart from this, I have been lively and engaged with my coworkers, starting new projects left, right and centre.

On Thursday I finished off my work week with a great chat with my young colleague. Afterwords I said that now is my quiet time. I’ll go home and be in silence, only broken by the evening movie of my choice.

He was surprised. He said that our chat made him feel #alive and on the way back home he’ll be on the phone to his mates, organising something to do together. He felt great!

I felt great too. I love meaningful conversations with people. They make me feel #aliveandthriving too. In that moment. Although after busy day with lots of people around me, I often crave solitude.

It’s not like this all the time though. When I’m happy and excited, this energy will continue well into late at night. Be it #dancing and chatting with my friend on her carpet, attending #yoga class or driving 35 miles to the place I take my regular salsa classes and then dance till 11pm. 3 evenings out of 4 in my usual 4 days working week are planned and very active.

Last week I attended one of those and this week none. That’s how I know that little depression managed to creep into my life. I just don’t feel like humaning at all. Not even engaging on Hive much, hence why I finally decided to use hive.vote to automate some of my votes. In days like this week it is very likely that my voting mana will be sitting at near 100%, wasting the awesome 1k HP delegation and my own 400 HP voting power.

So what’s with the title you ask? Well, since I have no will to do anything else, I get home, cook dinner and watch movies until I fall asleep on my sofa and hopefully wake up half an hour later to move to my bed. Since I watched almost everything on #Netflix already, I decided to get a #Disney subscription for a change, so I can watch and rewatch all the #Marvel series and movies.

The one I started watching last Thursday was ‘Hawkeye’. Not really amazing, but there was one detail I really enjoyed. My ex made me see weird details in movies. Like the bad guys are always Russian or at least from some Eastern European county. Well, here some of the bad guys are Polish! We would also laugh at movies where the actors really badly try to fake British accent for example. Most of them sound nothing like a British person. Even worse when they try to act as Eastern Europeans.

This time I was surprised! I heard a butchered English and looked at the guy and I’m like:

‘He’s a Polish actor!’

I paused the movie and looked closer at his face. Definitely know this face, but at this moment the details started blurring. Is he Polish? Maybe American, maybe British? Well, I didn’t know anymore. Since I have 0 memory for names, I started to doubt myself and I continued watching.

The bad guy was present in a few scenes with his perfectly butchered English in a very Polish way. Then I heard him speaking Polish and his Polish was perfect too 🤩 So for once, I watched all the credits at the end of this episode and finally I found him! Piotr Adamczyk is definitely a Polish actor that I have seen in many Polish movies before, but since I rarely watch Polish movies these days, I doubted myself for a moment.

So I continue watching Hawkeye series with a new found appreciation for being bilingual. Years ago, when I was still a teenager I read somewhere that there is nothing better than reading the books in the language they were written in. I wondered how can this be true. I enjoyed reading books in Polish that were originally written in other languages, so how can this be different?

I didn’t understand it, but I decided to learn at least one other language so well that I’d be able to read books in that language. Luckily English was my language of choice and although I’d love to learn many other languages, I feel like there is not much time to learn another one to the same level.

Now that I’m finally here, I can tell that there is a difference for sure. It is very sublime. Intimate almost. Some expressions simply can not be translated literally from one language to another and the translator replaces these with one of similar meaning, yet not exact. Is still reads good, but… not as good as in the original language. I guess that's where the saying: ’Lost in translation’ comes from 😉 Quite literally.

The same goes for movies. There is a difference between American actor trying to fake Polish accent and the actual Polish actor butchering English in a Polish way, then talking perfect Polish to his mate in the background. I really loved the latter in the ‘Hawkeye’.

There is also a sense of pride and some satisfaction in seeing Polish actor in Marvel series. Yeah, he’s a bad guy, but who cares? He plays his role perfectly and I really appreciate the series more just for this ‘little’ detail.

That said, I’m already almost at my 1k words limit, so let me end this here.
Have a great day and if you have no other plans, so watch Hawkeye 😉

Until next time 💙


I read somewhere that there is nothing better than reading the books in the language they were written in.

This makes me jealous of you, the Witcher series is one of my favorites, I wish I could read it in it's original Polish 😭🤣!

How wonderful that you found a connection with the character in the movie, instead of another bad accent! 😍 It sounds like a great pick me up. Many hugs to you, depression is so tough, but you are absolutely tougher, Ms. Orchid Doctor Extraordinaire 💚!LUV !PIZZA

You’re kidding me! I never knew Witcher was written in Polish 🙈 I only watched it on Netflix! I’m going to Poland on Wednesday, so I’ll see if I can find the book in Polish.

Ahh, bless you, you’re so sweet 😘 Depression this time was light and I managed to send it away already, although now work makes me depressed 😂 Does it ever end? 😂

AHHHHH! I hope you find them, the books are great in English, but if the saying is true... Well then, you will have the best read possible from them! 😍

Does it ever end?

And gosh do I feel this 😅💚 !LOLZ !LUV 🤗

My father wants me to study law and be a good lawyer
He needs me to get him out of jail.

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I bet it will make the series look bleak 🙈 Good job I watched them all already! Excited to find the books now 😍

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I think we all have that kind of feeling, the depressed feeling. We don't know why, maybe because of hormonal change???? Haha, don't really know. I'm kinda like that now too and I don't know why....
You know what, I was asking what does your name mean? Fantagira.
I looked it up in google and saw your read.cash post.... Haha, that was a long read! But read it down to the last word Ms. fantagira!.😄😄😄

Oh wow! I admire your commitment 😍 It was a very long read indeed. I’m glad you took time to do it though, as now you probably know me better.

I once heard that depression often is cause by avoiding the dealing with some uncomfortable situations. In my case at this time it is very true. Some things happened that upset me greatly, but instead of dealing with it, I closed down and I sleep and watch movies and eat. Last 2 days I’ve been walking in the evenings and processing everything that happened. That helped me greatly and I feel much happier already.

In your case it might not be true, it’s hard to say - only you know this. Many people get low when the days are shorter due to lack of vitamin D from the sun. We naturally hibernate.

For me though, I grew to know when it is seasonal and when it is self inflicted 😉


@aideleijoie! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @fantagira. (8/10)

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The end credits are rich with details which could be mind-blowing depending on what we watch at any given time.

If the credits go by too quickly, never fear. That's where IMDB comes in!

Even though I don't watch movies as much as I had even a few years ago, I was in the habit of checking out IMDB to see if I recognized someone, to see what early projects some actor did (e.g., Samuel L. Jackson in Coming to America, or Jack Nicholson in the rock opera Tommy). So many details and facts are in IMDB it's scary what we can find in there!

Just be warned that once you start doing this you could end up going down some rabbit hole or other.

There are 2 bad things about IMDB, though:

  • A few years ago it was acquired by Amazon.com (oh well);
  • It's not on Hive, where we could engage with other visitors or even add content to it.

Winter is a drag on many people mentally, so don't feel too bad about that. I hope things look better going forward as you follow Hawkeye and whatever else you watch. Things will be back to how they should be for you, it's just a matter of time and getting your own batteries recharged.

Haha, not to worry! I won’t get sucked in it, but it’s funny you should mention IMDB, because my young colleague that I mentioned at the beginning of this post also mentioned it last week. It was the first time I’ve heard about it.

My problem is that my brain doesn’t retain this kind of knowledge. If I left writing this piece till last week, I’d have to go through my watching history to see the title of the series I watched 😂 It’s like there is an ‘erase’ button in my brain to remove all this info. Same for names of the actors, politicians, singers and any other famous people. They just don’t stick. On the other side I know like 100’s names of plants. How? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I really don’t know.

So while I might visit IMDB occasionally for checking something, I defo won’t spend much time there.

That said - I really appreciate your comment. I get overly excited when I see big comments on my post. I often leave them till later, so I can probably digest and reply 😁 So thank you!

That’s very true about the winter. Although there were things in real life which shook me a bit couple weeks ago and clearly I’m in a bit of avoidance to digesting what happened. Hence why going to sleep is an escape from dealing with it 🙄 Once I face what happened, the depression will go away too, I’m sure.


Plants are more useful to you than fictional characters or people you don't deal with regularly if at all. Also, the info about people is available for access, so there's no need to remember it; that's why databases exist.

Sleep is necessary, especially if we have bad habits like spending too much time online (even for Hive). Too much sleep on a regular basis, though, can be a problem. Once in a while it's OK; it just can't become a regular thing. Lack of sleep can't be a regular thing, either; we're people, not hummingbirds.

Dealing with unpleasantness isn't fun, so putting it off is understandable. But doing that is like dealing with debts: Sooner or later they need to be paid, and it's more expensive to pay them down later than sooner. Whatever it is that has you in this condition is unpleasant, for sure; you'll find the strength to dea with it and then keep moving forward.

Mate, you sound way too reasonable! !LOLZ

But you’re right in everything you say. My brain clearly deems all those names unimportant and keeps the space free for other things. Like trying to understand all the L1 and L2 tokens rules and trying to make sense of all those front ends. That is seriously messing with my brain, but I think it’s slowly clicking into the right place 😉

Sleep is a tricky one to find the balance. My body settles for 8-9 hours per night and if one day I sleep extra 3 hours, another day I can go with just 5 hours and vice versa. I did abuse my sleep patterns massively in the past, so it took years to get some sort of a balance back.

That said - last 2 nights I slept around 6h and it seems like getting all this off my chest publicly helped with facing the unpleasant events and make more sense of them during my walks. It’s all looking a little brighter now.

Thanks for the chats. I enjoy it greatly 💙


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You're welcome! I'm glad I could help.

Our minds are crammed with so many bits of information that some new things we need to know are too confusing at the time. Focusing on what's useful to us helps us to learn what we need to know. I used to be on top of the sports world when it came to the local teams. These days, I'm lucky if I can name a player or two on those teams (and I live in a city which claims 2 teams for each major league sport). However, what I've lost in sports knowledge I've gained in being able to acquire other knowledge and skills.

I'm glad things are looking brighter for you. You may have found a way to get you through whatever difficulties you have. That's important if we want to keep moving forward toward whatever goals we have and whatever destinations we want to reach on our journey.

Thank you. It’s been nice chatting to you. You get it 😉💙


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Thank you!!


My pleasure Wes ☺️


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I heard this series but didn't watch yet.. Thanks.. Gonna save this

Why? Because I sleep and sleep all

I am like this at times, usually on weekends as I was left alone in our dorm.
So I guess it is normal to feel like that at times!

It can be, but when it happens to the extend I do it, I know I’m depressed 😂 Sleep is my favourite escape from anything. When I sleep a lot, I know I’m avoiding facing something that bothers me 😉


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Welcome back, dear!
I've noticed that this kind of depression attacks creative people the most. Paying for this gift or something.

Glad to dive back into these reflections where Polish actors inspire you! It inspires me to read how sincerely this is written!


You’re the sweetest Aleksander! That’s true, creative people are often more sensitive and empathetic than most.

In this case however, I’m clearly going for the avoidance. Sleep is my favourite way of avoiding reality. There were things in real life that hit me so hard couple weeks ago, that I shut down and don’t really wanna process it. I might even reach out to dear Nicky for some advice on this if I still struggle with it next week.

Thank you for stopping by. I always love reading your comments 💙


I might even reach out to dear Nicky for some advice on this if I still struggle with it next week.

Hahah 💪🔥 Friends are always helpful!

!LUV 💙💛❤️

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Wish you best of luck with your life and i hope all the negative feelings and emotions will go away from you miss.

Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m feeling better already. Those sad emotions are also needed for us to process the events and hopefully grow as a person. All the best to you 💙


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