FungiFriday - don't get fooled.

in FungiFriday4 months ago

mushrooms autumn pt 11.jpg

One of my fvourite things to do in the forest is picking mushrooms. Not many - a few types only. But I know them well and so far, so good... everyone is alive :p The rest I leave untouched even though they might be safe to eat.

But this changes in Portugal. Some mushrooms look very alike to the ones I know. But different climates, different types of woods, and I lose the confidence. Not all suede brown hats are edible

The one above looks like an edible and delicious boletus. But that red bottom of the leg is like a warning sign. Are they edible then? I have no idea. I am no mushroom expert :)


If you don't know it - don't pick it!

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As tempting as it might be, better skip a few of them, than be sorry later. Mushroom sauce can wait.

Like the few below. They also look very tasty and Google tells me it is a Boletus Badius, which is an edible one. The amount I saw growing in the area would be enough for a sauce, pizza, and I don't know what else :)

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Of course I left them as I have found them. Surrounded by leaves and sticks.

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I really like the low angle photos when you can see the leg and the bottom of the hat. I did not remove any sticks to show how they really grow.

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I doubt this one is edible. It was growing in the same area as all of the above. It is a good mushroom spot (I saw a few other types too) in the rainy season.

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Strange mushroom... 🤔

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How to join #FungiFriday:

  • when Friday comes (UTC time) post your own, original photo/drawing/art/food/anything-at-all of any type of fungi (yes, I will check and report stolen images or text!)
  • add #FungiFriday tag (it doesn't have to be your first tag)
  • Include "My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw" anywhere in your post.

Happy FungiFriday!

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos, graphics and text are my own.

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Better safe than sorry, I guess. I recently tried foraging bamboo shoots, inspired by @samstonehill and @clareartista but the bamboo that I had foraged, tasted so extremely bitter, even after cooking it for an hour and 15 minutes and having rinsed it twice, then marinaded and fried it, that I decided to spit it out and throw away the rest of it. I prefer not to poison myself, if I can help it. No matter how appealing it is to me to eat (more) natural food.

I never tried fresh bamboo shots. Can they cause harm?

I don't know enough about it but I did find out that many types of bamboo are just so extremely bitter that they can't be considered edible. Also, researching it, a bit, and finding out about hydrogen cyanide in fresh bamboo didn't help me to feel better either. In all honesty, I don't really know whom or what to believe ( as the truth any longer, these days ) but here my body's communication was clear enough ( as it usually is ).

Definitely no need to force yourself to eat something you dont like or tolerate.

Exactly. I have tolerated stuff I don't like ( in my life ) for long enough a time ;<)
I am living a differently, healthier and happier life, these days.✨❤️

I laughed when I read, strange mushroom because as I scrolled down, I saw the picture of the dog.😄
You're initiative to have fungifridays is great. It helps us to appreciate more of good side of fungi.😊

Hahaha I have no idea where that dog came from.. he was just running around there :D

Hahaha, it had a great timing .😁

Yes, if you are not sure... You'd better just take pictures of them and that's it!... And nice pictures indeed! :)) Sweet post @ewkaw friend!!!

!discovery shots

I am always up for taking pictures :)

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$PIZZA slices delivered:
@jlinaresp(10/10) tipped @ewkaw

that is great advice dear friend @ewkaw if you are not sure if it is edible, it is better to leave it in the forest.
I love those shots where you can see their stems and gills, they are really great
Beautiful mushrooms you found.
Have a wonderful weekend

Thank you!

This is good for everything ..if you are not sure don't pick up 😃

Exactly :)

What beautiful photographs, I love how you let us see his feet and under his hat, those shots are admirable @ewkaw
What a beautiful place, how many varieties have you been able to find

Thank you!

Beautiful mushrooms and photography. They look like edible suede bolete and can have a little pinky base of the stem. It is always hard to eat mushrooms the first time, even if you are 200% sure! If you are not poisoned, then it is your food for life, but if you miss, you are either dead or ill. The best decision to stay on the safe side. 🙄😊

you are either dead or ill

Hahah yea.. small detail :P

Boletes are tricky in my area. Once I thought I had found a white king bolete but it turned out to be a bitter bolete once I tasted a bit, what a terrible taste it had. Fortunately the bitter ones aren't toxic compared to some of the other ones that can give you a bad stomach ache.

Yea, some can be a bit confusing. Though I am pretty sure I left behind plenty good ones just because they looked a bit suspicious to me.

All mushrooms species are edible; some of them, only once... ;)

Hahaha very true :D

Nuce mushrums: thanks for sharing uour beautiful experience!

A huge hug from amico.


Thanks! Hugs back :)

Not taking it was a good idea from the end of the story. The effect will be very big later.

your photos are very beautiful I really enjoy the mushrooms they are beautiful!

It's always better this way.
Thank you :)