I can now buy an Clunker or a decent old car!

in #waivio19 days ago

I've got a good chunk of savings for a cheap old car now! I've been saving up like a frugal king lately and I'm happy to say I've got enough to get myself a decent broken down beater or a decent old car. Lol

It's been a blessing having the jobs that I have, but I know that if I want to be successful, I have to continue being as frugal as I am now. A few years ago in my early twenties, I bought a 2000 BMW 323i for about $2,000... Given the time period today I could probably buy the same vehicle for around the same price (probably a little higher). I won't be buying one, of course, but it's humorous that I could if I wanted to and have extra for new parts. We're finally in December so it's likely if I continue saving up in the ways that I have, I'll have enough money for the car I'm looking for in January or February!