Sunday Greetings………My Actifit Report Card: June 16 2024

in Actifit24 days ago (edited)

Sunday Greetings!

This morning, we awoke once again to more clouds and rain. It was expected, just not welcomed. We were running a little bit behind and almost got to church late, but as it turned out, church was running late from the first service so we weren’t late at all!

One of the deacons whom we’ve known for many years, was charged with providing the sermon. Although not as fired up as Pastor Kyle, he did a good job. After the service, all the fathers got a Dad’s Root Beer to enjoy!

After church, we went to the local grocery as they have the best price on milk. I ran into Jan who has returned from her adventure in Wisconsin, and a gal we knew from a previous church whose husband was our drummer for the worship team.

The rain was still with us. @silvertop went for a quick hike up the road. I stayed as unfortunately I am being plagued again with my hip pain. Not a lot of fun. 😔

Here’s more eye candy from yesterday’s trip to the bay.

Here is a picture of Phoenix enjoying her adventure in the mountains today. She went fishing in a huge lake with our son and his wife. She even has her own little life vest! She loves a grand adventure!

That’s gonna be all for today. Tomorrow will bring some kind of adventure I’m sure! Take care! 🙏🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


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Daily Activity,House Chores,Walking

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH



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What a nice Sunday to get-together with your church group! I'm sure you enjoyed it. Was the deacon with you?
Wow, lots of ducks! I have not seen a duck for a year, !LOL
Wildlife...where to find it in my daily activities? Hmmm... something to think about!
As always, wonderful photos, sis!

My neighbors listen to really good music.
Whether they like it or not.

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Hey sis! No he wasn't with us, as he was busy with the sermon and all that entails. He's a really nice guy and always seems genuinely happy to see us.

I've noticed at the estuaries, that picture is one of them, that ducks and geese congregate there a lot. An estuary is interesting to me as you find both fresh and saltwater species living together in the brackish water.

Love ya much, sis!🤗😘😍💕🌸 !LADY

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