Beer Diary - Dinner Prepared by Daughter

in BEER22 days ago


I'm participating in The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 373.
Thanks @detlev for hosting the fun event every week!


Since I can't be home for dinner about half of the week, either my husband or one of my kids prepares dinner. I'm really grateful.

On this particular day, when I got home, my youngest daughter was in the kitchen.

I said, "I need to open a beer!" so I eagerly opened the fridge, and my eyes landed on a beautiful beer can that my husband had brought home a little while ago.

These beautiful beers are from Taylight Brewing. The design of the can is truly lovely. The 355ml slim can is also a nice touch.

I chose “Vibin’ Guava Lychee” to go with my dinner. I love the name.

I've also received other flavours like sakura yuzu and peach & mango. I love how they all have a cocktail-like atmosphere . The sakura yuzu, in particular, has a pretty rosé colour. With a hint of fruity note on top of the beer aroma, they are very delicious.

For dinner, my daughter made gnocchi and salad. She bought some gnocchi from the store and made a cheese sauce for it. The rich cheesy sauce really hit the spot on my tired body.

The salad had some roughly chopped onions in it. At first, I thought, "Oh?!"…I don’t like raw onions very much…but it was actually quite tasty! It looked like she added some honey to the dressing, giving it a slightly sweet and delicious flavor.

My youngest daughter prepared the meal last night again. Natto, rice, tofu and wakame miso soup, and cold tofu. Full of soy bean dish! Haha
My youngest daughter is 14 years old and loves cold tofu with plenty of grated ginger and soy sauce just like my dad haha.

The wonderful meal and beer was great to finish the busy day. I appreciate every effort and every flavour my daughter put together to feed her family.
Thank you.

Happy Beer Saturday!



The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 373 に参加します。





こちら、前にも紹介したTaylight Brewing のビールたちです。缶のデザインが本当に素敵です。





昨夜も次女ちゃんが用意してくれたのですが、納豆ご飯と豆腐&わかめの味噌汁、冷奴という大豆づくしのメニューでした😆 次女ちゃんはおろし生姜たっぷりの冷奴好きの14歳です、笑 

Happy Beer Saturday!


That’s all for today.

Thanks for visiting!




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